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Rhean and Franz finally arrived together with Ender, “Hey guys” I said and hugged them and then I asked Ender, “How’s your parents do—“then Chloe cut me off and said “Are they divorced yet?”

“Nope, not yet” said Ender

“Are you really expecting that your parents are gonna get a divorce?” asked Rhean

“Ever since we were little kids they’ve been fighting and arguing and hurting each other and sometimes we just want it to end already, we can’t stand seeing them hurting” said Ender as he started to tear up

I went to up to Ender and comforted him, it looked like Chloe didn’t really care if their parents separated and so, that’s actually a shitty way to see things, I mean my parents are divorced and I never had the experience to be with them all the time, well, I am happy because I got new siblings that I really love but still, I would still like to have a complete family. So I had the courage to scold Chloe, I said “Chloe, you’re lucky your parents are still together, and that their still trying to patch up the torn up stitches, while my parents are divorced, we’re a broken family, yes I am happy I have wonderful half-brothers and sisters but I envy them, because Maddie and Franz has my Mom, Robbie and Rhean has my Dad, while me, Phoebe and Earl has each other, we lost our parents 15 years ago, me and Phoebe never talk about Mom and Dad but me Earl talk about it, sometimes we would imagine that what if Mom and Dad didn’t separate, first there were happy thoughts but then we realized that Robbie, Rhean, Maddie and Franz wouldn’t exist at all. But while you guys still have your parents, make the best out of it” Chloe took a while to answer me, “Okay” she simply answered back to me. After my talk with Chloe, I didn’t notice that Rhean was standing near the door and heard everything I said to Chloe, I looked at her startled and she walked out of the room, so I ran out to follow her, I caught her at the rooftop, I approached her slowly and said “I’m sorry about what I said that might have hurt you”

“I know that it’s our Mom’s fault why Dad divorced your Mom” she said strongly

“What are you talking about? Mom and Dad got divorced because they fought and fought all the time” I said confusingly at what she said to me

“No, our Mom told us everything, Dad got my Mom pregnant accidentally and they had an affair, my Mom is the reason why two families fell apart”

“Two?” I asked still confused

“Mom had a family already too, she had one kid with her first husband, her name is Christine, she’s 24 years old now and she hates me and Robbie, and Mom…”

I never knew that her Mom had another family, and ever since, Rhean thought of her and Robbie as the reason of why two families fell apart, I never thought of them as the reason of that, I’m actually happy to have them as my half-siblings, Franz and Maddie too. “Gee, you aren’t the reason why we fell apart—“I said as she cut me off

“Charlie you were one year old when parents got separated!” she exclaimed

 “Others have it worse”

“It’s like you’re telling me that I don’t have to be sad because others have worse, is like you’re also saying I can’t be happy because others have it better”

“Digging deep, huh?” I said jokingly

“This isn’t a joke, Charlie” she said seriously

“Hey, I am really happy that I have you and Robbie as my half siblings, it would’ve been great to have an unbroken family but it would still be broken if we didn’t have you”

Rhean finally smiled, her cheeks turned cherry red and the grin on her face grew wider, this was the Rhean that I saw everyday, and this is the Rhean I like to see everyday until I die, which is in about 3 months? Na, I’m just kidding, I promised Chloe that she’d be my inspiration to fight this stupid cancer, as she is the inspiration to others too, and the man she met the other month who made her realize that wasn’t unfair is now one month cancer free, he defeated it because he’s inspiration is the cancer survivors. And hopefully I’ll survive too. Rhean and I went back to the room and we were shocked to what waited for us there, it was Adam, oh right, you guys don’t know who Adam is yet, well, Mom and Dad adopted Adam before I was born, it’s because they wanted me to have a playmate as I grew up, Adam is 4 years older than me, as I was born, Adam ran away, they didn’t know why, but he just ran away, they searched for him for tw0 years and finally decided to give up, the reason is because they were separated already. And here standing in front of us is Adam, we recognized him from the pictures Mom and Dad had of him when he was little, he looked the same in the picture, chocolate brown hair, dark brown eyes, he’s actually taller now and skinny, I stopped and my jaw dropped, Rhean was shocked as well, she probably knew who he was, it’s because Dad always kept a picture of Adam in his wallet. Adam stood up and said “Hi brother and sister?” there was a long pause of silence and finally I spoke up

“Where have you been? Mom and Dad looked everywhere for you”

“I ran away, because I was afraid that when the baby came and my ‘parents’ wouldn’t want me anymore”

“That baby was me” I said

“I thought you were Earl, you’re the asshole!” he exclaimed

“I’m not an asshole” I replied

“Yes, you are, because of you I ran away”

“That wasn’t my fault, and that was your fault, you don’t even know me yet”

“Well, who the hell are you?” he asked

“Charlie Xavier Keynes, youngest of the three”

“This is Phoebe?”

“No, I’m Rhean, I’m Dad’s kid but with another wife” said Rhean

“Wait, so Mom and Dad are divorced?” he asked

“Yes, 15 years ago” I replied

“I came back to be with them again and now I find out that they’re separated already, that’s bullshit”

“Could you take it easy? Look here’s how it goes. We have Earl, Phoebe and Me from Mom and Dad plus you’re the adopted one, then there’s Robbie and Rhean plus an incoming baby from Dad and their Mom, Patricia, and lastly there’s Franz and Maddie from Mom and her husband, Frederick”


Adam didn’t look quite happy to hear what I said, he stood up and walked out to stop him but I didn’t and I don’t know why I didn’t catch up to him, maybe I didn’t want him in our life anymore, maybe I was the jealous one, and maybe I was scared of him, I mean come on, he wore a black leather jacket and his inside shirt had a human’s skull printed on it, he looked like a thug, a bad-ass dude, and I never imagined that I would have a brother like that, Rhean didn’t stop him either so we just gotta need to explain this to Mom and Dad later or maybe the next day, because I don’t think Mom and Dad could handle seeing their ‘prodigal son’ come back looking like an ax murderer, Ender and Chloe on the other hand didn’t really know what was going on, they looked so confused and just waited for us to tell them what exactly happened a while ago, so me and Rhean took a seat near Ender and Chloe and started explaining, this job is actually meant to be done by Phoebe and Earl because they know what really happened on the day I was born, but since their too busy with work and college, I guess it’s time for me to tell them the ‘main reason’ why the prodigal son ran away. After just minutes of explaining to Ender and Chloe of why Adam was like that, they finally understood us and promised to help us find Adam just so that we could show him to Mom and Dad, and to be honest I know Adam is a good guy, he’s just hurt because he just newly found out that Mom and Dad are divorced and never getting back together, I felt like that too but I soon realized that there reasons why they can’t be together anymore, and I know Adam will soon understand those reasons too.

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