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It was about 7:00 pm already and we were still at the water park having fun as a family, yes I consider Chloe as family already, and of course Ender is like my brother and I love them so much with all my heart. “Get out of the water kids, and let’s grab some dinner” said Dad, we got out of the water, grabbed a towel and quickly sat down for dinner, the food smells absolutely amazing, and having to eat this delicious food with this awesome family is just perfect, this is just a perfect day and this is the happiest day of my life in eternity, I could die now, I am happy and I can now go peacefully. I have nothing left to ask for, for me I am complete and I don’t need anything else, I have the most cooperative family, the bestest friend of all, and I have the most beautiful girlfriend, what more could I ask? I have everything. But I do want live, so God? Please don’t take me now. As the food came, all of our faces were like hungry hyenas, and when it finally came to our table, we started eating right away.

“Can I have your attention” said Dad

“What is it Dad?” asked Phoebe

“Er… Well, Charlie’s doctor called me up a while ago, and he said that we’re gonna have to confine Charlie at the hospital, just incase his lung cancer gets worse they can resolve it right away” answered Dad

“But I don’t wanna stay at the hospital” I exclaimed

“Son, we don’t have a choice, they say your lungs are gonna fill up with water and maybe one day you’ll blow up, you may even die…” he said

“I am gonna die, I know that already, but I wanna die here at home with you guys”

“It doesn’t work that way, son”

“So, I’m not gonna see you guys”

“Son, we’re gonna be there with you everyday”

“You guys have work”

“We’ll take shifts” said Earl

“Shifts?” said Franz

“Yeah, for example, first, me and Phoebe get to watch/hang out with Charlie then the next day, Franz and Maddie get to hang out with him, then Mom and Dad, then Rhean and Robbie and so and so”

“Sounds like and actual good idea there Earl” said Robbie

“Thank you”

“But who’s gonna watch first?” asked Robbie

“Well, since Dad told me the news a while ago and I wrote our each of our names on papers, so we could just pick”

“You’re really prepared Earl” said Maddie

“Yes, yes I am” he said confidently

So after Earl’s smart idea, he went on to pick the first two who’s gonna be with me on the first day, the first he picked is Maddie, then the second one is Phoebe, “Alright, girls, you’re gonna be with Charlie okay?” said Earl, the girls agreed. For the second the day, Earl picked himself and Dad, and for the third day Ender and Chloe are on shift. I’m actually really excited for this; I get to spend some quality time with each of my family everyday while at the hospital.


My bags are all packed up for my trip to the hospital, since it’s the first day, Maddie and Phoebe followed me on the way to the hospital. As we arrived at the hospital, we get to the elevator and finally landed on the floor where my room is gonna be, as I opened the door, I saw a large bed, two couches and a huge flat screen TV, I actually can get used to this, it’s like heaven already, then I looked out at the window, I have an amazing view, the buildings and the clouds just look so amazing. Phoebe started organizing my wardrobe while Maddie turned on the flat screen television, “Hey, this is so amazing, I hope I get to hang out with you everyday” she said with a huge grin on her face

“For the sake of the flat screen TV, sure” I said

“Well, also for the sake of hanging out with my half brother before he dies” she jokingly said

“You are so sweet” I said as I laughed

It was only 12:30 noon, Phoebe and Maddie are gonna stay the night too, according to Earl’s rules since it is his genius idea. After Phoebe finished packing, she said “Wanna eat?”

“Absolutely” said Maddie as she glared at the huge television

“So what do you want?”

“Pizza” I said


“Pepperoni and cheese” said Maddie

“Absolutely” I said

“Anything else you’d like to order”

“We would also like some, burgers, lasagna, and diet cokes” said Maddie

“Money” said Phoebe as she gestured with her hand

“I got 50 dollars” said Phoebe

“That’ll do” said Maddie

“Could I have some M n M’s too?” I asked with all my heart just so that Phoebe would agree

“Okay fine” she said with a smirk

So as she went down, Maddie suggested that we would play our favorite video game of all time, Sugar Rush, yes, as girly as it is we love Sugar Rush, probably because we would gladly eat the whole game if possible, my favorite avatar is Rancis, besides he has amazing good looks like mine, he is awesome, you know? But of course Maddie thinks Vanellope is the best, because she’s the princess of Sugar Rush and all, but for me, Rancis is better. After playing with Maddie, Phoebe finally arrived with the foods we ordered, “Finally, it took you forever to buy those stuff” said Maddie

“A simple thank you would be more pleasant “answered Phoebe

“Thank you” said Maddie

“You’re welcome” said Phoebe as she smiled

“Could we eat now?” I asked

They quickly agreed and we begun to eat, the food didn’t last for about an hour, we eat like a hog, and it’s really embarrassing. But it’s how we are so, just got to live with it. After eating our food like hungry boar hogs we decided to tell some stories, “Maddie you go first” said Phoebe

“Alright, so this happened to me when we went to Italy, when we were walking through the wonderful streets of Italia, I accidentally bumped into to this woman who was carrying a bag of goodies, so I helped her and led her to her vehicle and then she told me a weird thing, she said ‘He has not long to live’ I just stared at her, she smiled and got in her car then took off, she left me wandering like an idiot there at the parking lot, and ever since that day, the words she told me always bothered me until now, I didn’t know what she meant, maybe she’s a sign or something”

“Who do you think she’s talking about?” asked Phoebe

“Me” I said

They looked startled.

“I have accepted the fact that I may die, okay?”

They still didn’t speak at this.

“Let’s go on to the next story, I’ll go next” said Phoebe

“So, there’s this guy at my work, he’s about 22 I think, then he approached me and he said to me ‘Life is a constant pain, and we live in that constant pain’ I just looked at him confusingly and said ‘I guess’ he just smiled and walked out”

“People are weird” I said

“Yeah” they agreed

“But I like weird” I quickly added

They smiled and Phoebe said “Okay, let’s hear you’re story Charlie”


“Okay, um… Well there’s this guys at my chemo therapy and as I approached to shake his hand he said ‘Why do people shake hands when they meet each other, why not we slap each other hard in the face?’ his question kind of got to me and it made me realize that why do we shake hands? And from that day on I promised him that I am gonna find out why”

The Psychotic Life of Charlie KeynesWhere stories live. Discover now