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After an hour or so of waiting for Ender to choose what he wanted to buy in the sports shop, he finally came to a major decision of picking between a Barcelona football shirt and a literal football (soccer ball)

“I think you should go with the football, bro” I suggested just getting it over with.

“Can I buy both?” asked Ender

“I’m just gonna be paying for the shirt” said Wolf jokingly

“I think I’ll go with the football” said Ender finally.

After hours and hours of just picking what to buy from a sports shop, Ender finally came to an extremely hard mission to pick between a shirt and a sports ball, Ender chose the ball. Then we went to the cinema, astonishingly we still made it for the last showing of the movie we wanted to watch. To be honest, me and Wolf didn’t really understand the movie because Ender talked to us the whole time we were watching the movie, he told us that he would practice and practice now that he has his own football, actually this is the 4th time he has own a football, but he either would lose it or accidentally destroy it and his parents didn’t allow him to buy anymore, since he didn’t buy this one, I guess that his parents couldn’t let him be prohibited to use this one. “Could you shut up” said Wolf finally, “The movie is the main purpose why we’re here, so shut it” continued Wolf, “Geez, Wolf” said Ender and laughed at him. After barely understanding the movie, it was finally over, it was about 8:00 in the evening already, and Wolf invited us for dinner at their house, we quickly agreed but I still needed to pass by at my house to ask permission from Phoebe or from Dad. Since Dad wasn’t there, I supposed he was at Adam’s again, so I asked Phoebe and she quickly agreed and told us to have, since the Wolf’s never moved or sold their previous house, they still lived three houses from ours, as we arrived at their humble upon, it seemed like nothing changed at all, but they finally found the time to fix up their rusty, dangling mailbox. “Boys” exclaimed Wolf’s mother, she still looked the same, still ginger and thin, while Wolf’s Dad was suddenly more muscular than before, his beard was now shorter and he looked relaxed, unlike before, he looked so stressed out because of work, but I guess New York suited him better. Wolf’s Mom led us to the dining room, the inside of their house wasn’t different, but finally it felt more alive than ever, “Mom’s finally making beef wellington” whispered Wolf, “I heard that” said his Mom, ever since we were kids, Wolf’s Mom always had this super hearing powers which scared us because she could hear what we were talking that maybe a little personal, “Still has super hearing powers?” said Ender, “I heard that too, Ender” said Wolf’s Mom, so Ender pressed his lips and tried not to talk anymore.

“How are you doing, Charlie, and how’s Phoebe and Earl?” asked Mrs. Wolf

“They’re doing well and I’m quite alright too” I answered

“Charlie has cancer, Mom” exclaimed Wolf

“What?! Why didn’t you tell us, Charlie?” exclaimed Mrs. Wolf as she almost dropped her cooking.

“Sorry” I said looking down, preparing what kind of pity she would give me, but she didn’t, she just said:

“Haven’t I told you that you should tell everything to us? Charlie, I promised myself and your Mom that I would always look out for you and always take care of you” she said

“But, you left—“I started

“I call Phoebe, four times a month to check on you and on them as well, I never abandoned you lot, Charlie” she said.

I was shocked that she even made a patch with my Mom and to herself, and yet she still cares more about me than my own Mom. I mean, my Mom only calls us once a month and it would only take about 10 minutes to talk to her, while Mrs. Wolf calls four times a month just to check up on me? Shocking, yes, but heartwarming, it actually made me feel good that besides Phoebe and Earl; there was still someone out there that cares about me, about us…

The Psychotic Life of Charlie KeynesWhere stories live. Discover now