Fragile, Handle With Care

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Sighing I rest my head against the back of the seat and Mizu takes my hand in hers and gives it a squeeze.

"You good?"

"I'm fine, all that I kinda wanna know is who that girl was." I sighed and shot a smile at Mizu.

"Think she's a friend 'o his. Since when they were young or somethin? She's always hangin 'round 'im so it wasn't too surprisin to see her show up. Guess she just jealous?" Mizu looked at me but I shrugged the question off. 

"Even if it was that, she didn't need to be that mean," I petted the duck Taka had given me. The messenger bag was sturdy and comfy to have on my shoulder. Thankfully the school supplies I had weren't a lot either. 

"Right, but I'll see you tomorrow then? I'll be there at you house by six so be ready by then." The train came to a stop and the two of us got off.

"Alright Mizu, have a good night." I smiled and hugged her as she went to her parents car and I headed for my house by myself. Everyone in my house would be asleep by now, so I walked right into my room and took a quiet shower. Once I did that, I fell onto my futon and fell asleep. The duck and dragon sitting next to each other cuddled up next to each other by the sliding door that lead outside.

When I woke up to my phone, it was about 5:30 in the morning and with just a bit of enthusiasm, I made my way to the bathroom and got ready. Washed my face, brushed my hair and my teeth, and put on my clothes and over it went a stylish jacket from my cousin. I glanced at the two stuffed animals in the corner of my room and smiled as a bright feeling made its way to my chest. Then, looking at the messenger bag Taka had placed on me, I laughed just a bit and put it on. 

The sky outside was still dark, but I opened the back of my room's door just a bit quietly and breathed in the bright crisp cold air. It was warming up bit by bit as the day began and progressed, and I watched the  fireflies glow for a little bit before I saw a familiar face pop up. 

"Heya, got any food?" Mizu burst into my room with a laugh and tackled me back inside.

"Jeez Mizu, since when do I not have food? I'm living the life of a student chef at this point." I laughed at her and we both stood up.

Mizu closed the door and we made our way to the kitchen.

"Should we make lunch today too? I dunno if we have a lot more time before we need to get on the train." I said to Mizu, and placed four packs of buns on the table and some water bottles.

"We can just eat these, we got practice startin today anyways," Mizu took two of the buns and two of the water bottles. 

"Right, do you have your soccer stuff 'en?" I asked, putting the food and water in my other bag with my soccer gear. 

"Course I do," Mizu patted her second backpack and with that we were off. The train ride was normal, goofing off and listening to music with the other neighborhood kids, and learning the ins and outs of the school. Like how there was a ghost who roamed the non existent fifth floor, and how if you took the side stairs up the left side of the building it was faster than the center set of stairways. 

Mizu and I met up with Taka, Jizuo, and Kitsu at the beginning of class. I leaned against Taka's desk while Mizu, Jizuo and Kitsu leaned on the desks nearest them.

"Y'know what I can't belive? We get two hours for lunch!" I exclaimed. 

"Really? It's been like this at this school ever since like it was founded." Taka responded, looking at me and then the others.

"He's right, how long were your lunches back in America?" Kitsu asked.

"They're like twenty minutes long." 

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