She seems to be lost

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I woke up from my two hour nap to Mr. Farashima shaking my shoulder. I was feeling better now from the game, and as I got up, I could barely keep my eyes open for a bit as I got a head rush.

"Are you alright?" Mr.Farashima chuckled and passed me some water.

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine, I think I'll just be pretty tired when I get home." I fell back onto the pillows of the nurse's bed and groaned.

Mr. Farashima was startled and stood up on alert before I waved him off.


Mr. Farashima laughed himself and shook his head. "Get your things and go, class is starting in a three minutes and if I remember this school correctly your class is close to being two minutes from here. Remember you have to stay after for club and class duty today."

He stood me up and slung my bag over my shoulder. As I stood, I realized that I was still wearing my soccer uniform.

"Mr. Farashima, I'll see you later then. Thank you for coming and caring for me." I bowed to him and he simply laughed.

"Of course, tonight by the way, I think Takagana will be playing a game with some of his friends today, a game that I think may lead up to a championship somewhere...or maybe it isn't even his friends he's playing with," Mr. Farashima turned and walked away will thinking aloud. I closed the curtains to the nurse's bed and then changed into my uniform of the skirt and jacket and button up shirt.

Then, I made my way quickly to homeroom right as the teacher for world history showed up.

I greeted Mizu with a wink and sat down quickly as the lesson began. From across the room, I noticed that Jizuo and Kitsu were watching me with occasional glances. I stayed focus on my notes though and listened closely as the teacher went into depth in explaining how close Iceland was to having equal rights for men and women in their country.

Before I knew it, the bell had rung and the academic day was over. The class gathered around me in a circle.

"So, how're ya doin'" Mizu asked me, her bright eyes grinning at me and I smiled right back at her.

"I'm doin' good now, y'all don't have'ta worry, so go on and head to your clubs," I gestured for everyone who needed to leave to do so and they all waved goodbye as they passed me up. Jizuo, Kitsu and Mizu rushed forwards to me.

"You know you had us worried Taki." Jizuo nudges me gently and I elbow him right back.

"Thanks guys." I said.

"But you're looking way better than anytime earlier this year Taki." Kitsu said with a smile of relief and swung an arm around my shoulders. Jizuo followed suit.

"That is true my friend, but if we are late for Baseball, I don't think coach will care if you know Taki or not." Jizuo grinned at Kitsu, and within seconds they were racing each other down the stairs to the baseball field.

Mizu looked at me with a pout as she glanced at Taka and then me before stepping in for a hug.

"You gunna be aight?" Her eyes tilted up to look at mine and I tapped her nose.

"Of course I will. I got everything I wanted to say off my chest during that game. Go on and tell Captain that I'll be there when I finish cleaning." With a grin, Mizu nodded and took her things to the locker room. That meant that now it was just me and Taka left in the room.

It was awkward, now that he was in the same room as me, just the two of us. It made it seem like the world was forcing us to look at each other when we were the ones who had turned away in the first place.

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