Thus, the Day Ends

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Taka lead us between the crowds and we finally made it to the theater club stand.

"Oh hey guys look," Kitsu turned to us and the other two put down their masks. 

"oooooooo Taka seems to have made a move," Jizuo teased, nudging Mizu to look at our hands that were still together. Taka quickly let go and put his hands in his pockets.

"She was starting to get lost in the crowd so I lead her over here." Taka smiled mischiveously at me before making an innocent face at Jizuo. 

Jizuo laughed and slapped Taka on the back. "Right, of course that was the case." 

As the two joined by Kitsu began arguing and talking amongst themselves Mizu came to stand by my side and linked our arms together. 

"I feel like gettin some ice cream fore we have'ta go home. You?" Mizu looked at me and I nodded to her idea. 

The sun was still shining brightly and it was pretty warm due to the humidity, so it sounded nice. Plus, we didn't get the chance to eat ice cream at my house anyways since my mom was an advocate of having it nowhere in our house. 

"Great! Should we go by ourselves or?" 

"Ah, right, whattabout Haru? Where's he?" 

Mizu rolled her eyes before shrugging. "He told me he signed us in n tryouts were gonna be next week on monday, then he said he was headin home to eat at your mom's and play soccer with the guys." 

I laughed at her agitated response and nudged her. "Hey, why're you so upset about that? You've known Haru longer'n I have and even I could'a  guessed he would do somethin like that." 

Mizu pouted at me and tugged on my arm unhappily. 

"Fine fine, let's just go with those three. Oh!" I turned to look at Mizu as I remembered something. 

"I invited em to go and grab somethin to eat earlier so we can get ice cream after." I grinned at Mizu who laughed at my outburst. 

"You're a scatter brain Taki, no doubt bout that." Mizu sighed and we broke into laughter at the pause after her loud sigh. 

"Say ladies, Taka says you want to go out and get something to eat before we all head our separate ways. I know of a lovely place we can go to get some nice ramen." Jizuo turned around to face us. 

"Lead the way Jizuo." Mizu smiled at him and with a nod our group of five left the school grounds out to the street. 

The formation of three and two was the same as when we all were headed to the clubs and I looked at Taka suspiciously as we walked. 

Taka raised an eyebrow at my look and nudged me playfully with a smile. "What do you keep looking at me like that for? Did I hurt your feelings when I let go of your hand?" 

I scoffed at his words despite the heat rushing to my face and pouted at him. "Me? Nah. But why do you always end up walkin nexta me?"

I watched him for a reaction and he shook his head at me. "It's because those three always make it like that. The sidewalk isn't large enough for all five of us to walk in a line together if you couldn't see that." 

I rolled my eyes and followed Mizu into the small restaurant Jizuo had led us all too. With a call of welcome from the owner and an order of five ramen bowls, we made our way to the back of the place and sat down at a booth. The boys sat on one side and the girls on the other. I shuffled into the booth to sit on the left side of Mizu, who was by the wall on her right. In front of her sat Taka, and then going from there until the end of the booth chair was Jizuo and then Kitsu. 

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