Two Things

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When I woke up the next day, I went through the motions of getting ready for school and going to school as per usual. The only difference was that while I was going through it all, I had one thing on my mind.....well two things.

One was about what exactly I did last night besides watch the film. Did I walk home in time? Why did Mom tell me I was giggling to myself about some guy named TK?

The other, was about Mizu. Ever since I showed up she was at school everyday, in contrast to what her words were to me at the beginning of the year.

That being said when I showed up to the train station earbuds in and everything, I realized I had woken up too early. The first ride to school wasn't going to show up until at least another hour or so. With a groan I sat down under the gazebo nearby.

Was it my fault that Mizu was getting sicker, or was it just natural for her to be in school for so long? No that couldn't be it since she told me she missed school quite a bit, so was I really the reason? Thoughts like that surrounded me as the sky turned dark blue to a warming orange and bright pink.

My Mind eventually wandered from that topic to the happenings of last night and what had happened after watching all of the film. Tired as I was, I can recall that someone that I felt a liking to had come and told me to go home. It took a few seconds for me to remember everything in full, and when I did my face heated up in embarrassment. Being tired in front of Takagane was not something I really ever intended on doing, at least not on purpose anyhow.

With the second groan for the morning I thunked my head onto the wooden pole of the gazebo.

"Woah there Taki, what're you doin smacking your head on poles?" Jizuo's voice lifted up into the air and I smiled at his bright tone of voice.

"Nothin' I'm just kinda stressed is all. I got a lotta stuff t'worry bout." I responded with a smile as he took a seat next to me.

Jizuo's hair was getting longer, and I noticed with a hint of amusement that there was a black clip in his hair.

"Somethin on my face? Or are you just that amazed" Jizuo grinned at me.

"Ain't nobody tryin to get a look at you. You got a pin in your hair dork." I teased him.

Jizuo rolled his eyes and swung his arm around my shoulders and we both laughed.

Soon enough Kitsu showed up and the three of us sat around chatting about this and that until Takagane showed up.

Takagane showed up right as the train showed up, and we boarded it, me in the middle of Jizuo and Takagane.

Takagane's hair was the same as usual, short and clean. His face was the same, and it struck me how strange I was looking at everyone and everything. All of the world was the same, but why did it all seem off at the same time?

Jizuo and Kitsu played games on their phones while I took out my phone and texted Mizu.

'Where ya at'

'the hospital, I haven't been in a while so they're saying I need to stay there for a few weeks. Won't be able to text you much tho'

'Okay text me when you can and feel better'

With that, I let out a deep sigh and turned my phone off. The black screen reflected my concerned look and I ran a hand over my face.

Next to me, Takagane must have sensed how uncomfortable I was and nudged me gently. Looking just a bit up at him I saw his eyes show a hint of nervousness before he fully looked at me.

Without words, he asked me just like earlier in the year, 'you okay?'.

I wanted to reply with a 'yeah, I'm fine' or at least a 'mhm' but what came out of it was my vision blurring up and a lump forming in my throat. Abruptly I looked away from him and blinked rapidly to get rid of the tears building up. I felt Takagane move and in a quick second I was leaning against his shoulder, face hidden by his hat and turned towards the window behind us. His hand held mine tightly and a squeeze from him was followed by a sniffle from me.

Eventually, the tears subsided enough so that I could stop sniffling into Takagane's ear. He had fallen asleep with his head resting on mine. Big problemo. Now came the real question, move and wake him up or suffer and let him sleep? I gulped down the happiness and nervousness I was getting from him leaning on me and his hand still holding mine to calm down.

He was weird, from talking to me and being concerned and caring to this? Were him and Kitsune over now? He wasn't someone I had dated, but he also wasn't someone that didn't affect me. He was everywhere, and it was hard to not think of him even a bit since I saw him almost everyday. As I was in deep thought about the 'what are we' question, Takagane had woken up himself, and was sluggishly moving to face me.

For a little bit I watched him move, slowly and calmly to wipe the sleep from his eyes. The hand that held mine made no move to let go, and to my surprise I kept it that way.

Takagane raised an eyebrow at me but I shook my head.

'Tell me' his eyes urged.

'I'll tell you when we get to school' was my response through another shake of my head.

Next to us, Jizuo and Kitsu had practically fallen asleep in each other's laps. When we did finally get to school and started walking to class, Takagane dropped my hand gently. Once we got into the classroom, The four of us gathered around his desk.

"So, anyone have any news?" Kitsu asked.

Jizuo and Takagane looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Well," I glared at Takagane and then gave Jizuo a pointed look, "I've been swamped with watching the film of all the different teams for the championship games coming up in two weeks."

The other three boys watched me before giving me the same pointed look.

"What?" I jabbed Kitsu in the ribs and Jizuo moved behind Takagane before I could get him.

"Somethin was botherin you on the train." 'and I doubt it was that' Takagane seemed to add to his statement.

"Mizu's in the hospital and she's staying there for a couple of weeks." I said.

The boys were silent for a couple of moments before Jizuo took my hand in his and patted it dramatically.

"Poor Taki, her girlfriend isn't here,oh woe is she! How can she be alive right now?!" Jizuo gasped in fake pain and clutched his chest after Takagane had flicked his hands away from mine.

Kitsu patted me on the shoulder, "Don't worry about her too much, she was perfectly fine the whole time she was at school, so it isn't your fault she's in the hospital for a while. She just goes there in and out."

I let out a deep sigh of relief and smiled at him in thanks.

"So, anyone wanna see these pics I took'a Taki and Taka?" Jizuo grinned deviously and showed us a picture of me and Takagane huddle together on the train from earlier.

Without word, Takagane took Jizuo's phone and shoved it into his desk. With that, Mr.Guya came in before Jizuo had the chance to object and we rushed to our seats laughing. Well, Kitsu and I laughing while Takagane sat with a smile on his face while Jizuo sulked.

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