"Hear Me?!" She Cried Out

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The stands around the field along with the spare room around the field was crowded with the whole school. It was strangely dead silent as I made my way to the field and bowed to it. Then I stepped on. The team I was on were the kids who didn't like sports, or those who just didn't like doing anything at all but were forced to due to the credit they would get for gym. I took my place on the left side of the field in Mid and the game began. Of course, I knew the inner workings of my team, and I wasn't going to just bide my time until they lost the ball. The forwards were going to drop back after the defense got the ball and then the midfield that consisted of Imizu and Captain along with two other strong players would assume the forward position. I watched my teammates go and all run for the ball but I stayed behind with the few people who listened to my orders. Stay tightly on one man as they come towards you and do not even step far away from them. All you get is an arm's length away or else you lose. 

Eventually the switch happened and I burst forward onto the mid and forward switch. The ball was in play going back from Kitsune to the outside left defense. Even if our left defense was strong, I was stronger and faster. I lurched up for the ball and intercepted it with a nudge down with my shoulder. No one else was with me, and there were only an extra two players. Five versus one. Easy on and we go. As soon as I got the ball, I maneuvered around that left defense near me and curved through the other inside defender. I felt a hand grab my shirt behind and there was a loud shout from the stands of familiar voices, but I pulled against the tight hold and the shirt got caught on my throat, gritting my teeth and digging my cleats into the ground I ripped free of the grasp and was now one on one with the goalie. The goalie leaned left, and I shot to the top right. My foot kissed the underside of the ball with a gentle flick and it eased into the air, where the goalie leapt too late and too short to get it. 

The whistle blew and the score was 1-0. 

My teammates stared at me in shock and awe as I made my way back to the other half we were on. 

"If you've gotta right t'be awe'd you gota right t'help me out." I panted, and as the referee took the score I saw my teammates nod and I smirked. This was going to make or break me. Who cared if I was harsh with it? On the field, you are your own god and creator of what will happen in those hour and thirty minutes. 

Once again the whistle blew, and the switch occurred on the other side of the field instead. Tricky, but not tricky enough. The kids that they had put me on the same team were the ones who excelled in their studies, like physics, geometry, anatomy, and more. The girl stood where the ball had been sent up forward and was going to bounce and with a right angled kick sent it to where I was waiting right in between an empty spot. The stands were quiet, and I took the ball again. Again, I was five to one. This time though, I spotted someone running in and I made a move to pass to them, and when they met my gaze we smiled at each other. She ran forward, and at my fake pass moved back to lure the defense back. By the time Cap had pointed out her plan, I was into the open spot again. Glance up at the goalie, and shoot! The goalie smacked the ball barely out of the way and it bounced behind me. I followed it and met with Kitsune. She had the ball underneath her feet and was beginning to dribble forward. 

"Back and man on!" I called to my team and ran with a speed I had only thought of having when I was dreaming. In just a few seconds I was running back side by side with Kitsune, naïve and ready to prove something to me she kept dribbling the ball. I was two steps in front of her as she began to slow down and my foot could step in front of her. Quickly I dove for the ball and swiped it away with my cleat, making clear connection with the ball. Behind me when I stood up, Kitsune tripped on her own legs and fell to the ground with a yelp. As I moved to pass the ball the referee in charge of the main field ran up to me and gave me a yellow card. 

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