Chapter 14

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Y/n walked down the hallways when Harry quickly kisses her cheek. He simply just walks off to his seat and sits down. She walks to her desk still dumbfounded and Cisco seemed to notice.

"What's wrong Y/n, your mouth is wide open and your face is beet red" Cisco asks and that caught everyone in the rooms attention.

"My f-fanfiction escalated quickly" she says closing her mouth. Harry smirks as he looks around the room.

"Did it turn into a lemon?"


"Nasty, okay so Caitlin should be heading here soon, along with Barry" Jesse nudges Y/n as she walks in. She looks at Jesse confused.

"I saw you and my dad" she whispered into her ear and the fire user blushes once more.

"OKAY, enough with the blushing, Barry what did you do?" She says feeling something a little off.

"I think I changed the timeline"

I have UPDATED finally. Sorry guys but I'm back, hope you guys enjoyed!!!

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