Chapter 16

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Just realized that my last few chapters have been short, sorry guys. Also sorry for keeping you waiting.

"Leonard Snart is a hero? Rip Hunter is dead leaving Jonas and Miranda alone? Martin Stein, figures out the cure for science? All of these things are supposed to be switched" Iris says and looks at everyone.

"I feel like a different person oh my god" Y/n says and huffs softly. Harry (Potter..Jk...Rowling) rubs her shoulder and comforts her.

"Hey guys, where's Wally?" Jesse asks and next thing you know Caitlin, Cisco, and Iris are on the computers, trying to find Iris's brother.

"H-He's in a coma" Y/n mumbles and everyone looks at her confused.

"How'd you know that? Do you have some powers we don't know about?" Cisco asks and Y/n shakes her head.

"The news, it says that Wally West is in a coma for no reason and there is no sign of any family coming for him." Y/n reads from her phone and Iris perks up.

"I'll go, Jesse, come with me" she says and the two exit the room.

Sorry if it's short, got writers block. I hope you guys forgive me. I am truly sorry.

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