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Dee's P.O.V

"-So what do you think?" I say, carefully placing the cake batter in the oven.

"I think you should Dee, but the thing is -" Janyce was cut off by Anthea. 

"Will you be ok?" she has basically finishing Janyce's sentence off. 

I sigh, biting my lip. "I-i don't know. You guys know that the last time I lived alone with someone was with my father." I lean against the kitchen counter and give them a small smile. "But I'm sure Kaz isn't like him,"  

The frowns on their faces disappeared and were replaced with encouraging smiles. "Then move in with Kaz. " Janyce agrees with me as she shoves another spoonful of cornflakes in my mouth. 

"You guys are ok with it?" I ask bringing a sad smile on to my face. 

They nod and smile wider. "We're going to miss you so much but, you know, in a matter of time, we will all separate. I might move to Freddie. Anthea with Jay." Janyce shrugs. 

"You guys don't think I'm my relationship with Kaz is going to fast?" I questions. 

It's the only question which has been roaming my mind every since Kaz asked me. 

"Dee, you guys have basically been dating for like basically 3 months now, even if 2 of those months weren't official," Anthea chuckles as she dries the washed plates from lunch.  

"Oh my god, right? Kaz would look at her all lovey-dovey and she would blush and kiss his check." Janyce rolls her eyes at me, mocking little kisses towards me

I laugh and throw the oven mitten at her. "Shut up!"

"Kaz's 'princess' should start packing," Anthea mocks my nickname while setting the timer for the cake. 

I frown. "I'm moving in next week, Wednesday. It's Friday. What's the rush? It's not like I'm taking my bed and any furniture. I'm just taking most of my clothes." 

"Oh, that reminds me! I think there are some boxes up in the attic that belongs to you. You must have put them there when we moved in." Janyce points toward the stairs as she finishes off her second bowl of cereal today.

"What could possibly be there that belongs to me?" I say walking up the stairs towards the attic. "I don't remember leaving boxes up there at all," 

 "I don't know but I want to see," Anthea says following me.  

I move the bookshelf, opening the door to the attic and walk up the spiral stairs with the girls following behind. "Behind the Tv," Janyce points 

I look around the Tv and see moving box still untouched from last year. She must have notices them when she came to hide from Rayn's gang.

I examine to sides of the. box to see if there is anything written. "It doesn't say anything specific." It was heavy but light enough for me to carry. 

"Gosh, the box looks like it hasn't been open since 1822," Janyce wipes the dust off the box with her finger. 

"You aren't wrong," I laugh a little as I open the box. The flops fold back and the first thing which catches my eyes are photo albums. 

I look at the girls confused while they sync the same expression back. 

I pick up a book and accidentally inhale a small amount of dust through my nose, making my nose tickle. "Woah, feel like i'm in a movie. We're the characters who just found an ancient fossil of something." Janyce dramatic looks around, probably in those moments where it feels like life isn't real. 

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