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Wonwoo glances at the clock. 9:00 AM. Yes, he and Mingyu has basically screwed up their sleep schedules even more by staying up until four AM when they got back from taking a walk and couldn't sleep. But Wonwoo didn't really regret anything, as it was a long weekend, and plus, he actually enjoys spending time with Mingyu.

He notices a photo frame laying flat on Mingyu's desk, and picks it up, setting it down so that it's standing on the wooden surface.

In the photo is four people. A male and a female, who Wonwoo assumes are Mingyu's parents. Next to a young (and cute) Mingyu is a girl who looks a bit younger than Mingyu.

"Is that your family?" Wonwoo asks.

Mingyu doesn't reply, and Wonwoo turns to look at him. Mingyu looks startled when the older male makes eye contact with him, and turns away again, murmuring, "Yeah, that's my family."

"Mingyu?" Wonwoo hesitates before standing up and walking over to Mingyu, sitting next to him on his bed. "Is there something...wrong?" He asks gently, realizing that Mingyu could possibly have family problems just like his own.

"It's fine, Wonwoo, I didn't mean to involve you with this, I mean," He laughs a bit humorlessly. "I don't tell people about this, usually, so..."

"You don't have to tell me, I get what it feels like to have something personal and not want to tell people, especially ones you've just met." Wonwoo reassures him.

Mingyu smiles a bit weakly. "I haven't just met you though, we've known each other for a few weeks. And I, well, kind of trust you."

"...I kind of trust you too."

"So, just promise me that you won't tell anyone, Wonwoo." Mingyu says, locking his gaze with Wonwoo's, causing Wonwoo to look away nervously. God, Jeon Wonwoo, not the time to get all flustered and blushy. "It's really personal to me."

Wonwoo looks up again and nods. "I promise. Thanks for trusting me enough to tell me, too."

That makes Mingyu smile in a more relaxed way. "No, thank you for promising to keep it a secret, and even listening to me."

After a few moments of silence, Mingyu takes a deep breath and begins to tell Wonwoo his story.

"My sister..." He says softly. "She - She's not-" Mingyu sighs and buries his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, I still have trouble talking about this."

"It's fine, take your time." Wonwoo says understandingly. "If you want, you can tell me another time."

"It's okay." Mingyu insists. "I'll tell you today."

Wonwoo nods. "If that's what you want." He gently rubs circles into Mingyu's back comfortingly. "But only if that's what you want. Don't force yourself for anyone."

Mingyu smiles a bit weakly. "Thanks..." He mumbles. "I needed that." And Wonwoo just nods and smiles at him patiently.

"My sister, she's not here with us anymore." Mingyu tells him, his voice dropping down to a whisper.

Wonwoo feels his heart break. "Oh... I'm so sorry..." He can't help but feel helpless everytime he says those words, it makes him feel like he can't do anything to help.

"She also..." Mingyu's voice is shaking. "I can't say this, I really can't." He breaks off before breaking into sobs, and Wonwoo just quickly hugs him as tightly and comfortingly as he can.

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