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[ basically a bunch of jeongcheol marshmallow fluff ]

[ skip if you don't like jeongcheol ]

[ why would u not like them. i'll fight u with my spoon 😔🥄]


"How's your dance stuff been going lately, Chan?" Seungcheol asks his friend, handing him an ice cream sandwich from his freezer.

Chan takes the dessert with a smile, thanking him, before unwrapping it and taking a small bite from it.

"Why would you bite ice cream?" Seungcheol wrinkles his nose. "Just. Why would you-- frostbite is so terrible."

Chan shrugs. "I don't really feel it. Plus, what am I supposed to do? Lick the cookie part too? This is an ice cream sandwich, not an ice cream cone or something."

"You could wait until it melts a bit and then ate it. It wouldn't be as icy and wouldn't be as painful to eat." Seungcheol reasons, and Chan glares at him, annoyed.

"I don't care, hyung! Shut up." Chan says, exasperated, and Seungcheol starts to laugh. Way to be polite and rude at the same time! Using honorifics and "shut up" in the same sentence. Okay.

"Alright, alright." Seungcheol gives up trying to prove his point about ice cream. "So? How's dance going?"

"Oh!" Chan laughs happily, and he looks so pure and joyful that Seungcheol can't stop smiling, and leans over to mess up his hair. "Good, good! I joined this group... There are these three other guys who are awesome at dancing, and they were recruiting a forth member for their group. I auditioned... I sent in a video." He smiles humbly. "Um, apparently they liked it, I guess... They accepted me."

"What? You didn't tell me?" Seungcheol frowns, but wraps his arms around Chan in a hug, lifting him up from the ground and laughing. "That's amazing, Chan. I'm so proud of you."

Chan smiles. "Thanks. I'm really excited to work with them... They're seriously so good."

"Hmm, well, when you guys perform, I'll watch the performance for sure." Seungcheol promises. "Hey, who are these guys? I might know them?"

"Oh! This guy who goes by Hoshi..." Hoshi? Isn't that a Japanese word? Chan thinks for a moment, before adding, "Oh, and Jun... another guy whose name I can't remember. He's Chinese, that's why... I don't remember the name, it was kind of difficult. But he said he'll pick a stage name soon so it'll be easier." Chan laughs at himself.

Wait. Jun? It couldn't be, right? Jun is a popular Korean name, it doesn't have to be a nickname for Junhui.

"Which Jun?" Seungcheol asks. "I know a Jun but I don't know if it's the same guy."

"His last name is Wen?" Chan shrugs. "Oh, forgot to mention, he's also Chinese, like the other guy. I have a feeling they're dating each other, I dunno -- I just have a feeling."

"Uh, you're not wrong." Seungcheol murmurs. "They are."

"Really? Wow," Chan's eyes widen. "I was right."

So it really is Junhui and Minghao.

Never mind, I am not going to watch their performance. I'm sorry, Chan.

"Hey, is something wrong?" Chan taps his shoulder, and looks at him with a worried gaze. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Seungcheol smiles at him, trying to reassure his friend. "Don't worry about me. I'm just a bit tired."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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