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Hey! First things first: I have gone back and REWRITTEN all of my horrid 12-year-old writing. The story is pretty much the same, but there is more personality and originality in the story. Go reread this one before you read the sequel!

Second: My Hobbit fanfiction is almost complete! Go give that one a read too! If you liked this one, you'll love that one. I promise. 

THIRD AND LAST: YES! I started a sequel! It's on my profile, so add it to your reading lists and maybe follow so you get all my updates! I'm still working on my Hobbit one but once that one is finished, I will be updating the sequel more often. 

Journey to the North

Four years after Rangers of the North, Aragorn and Averael are living in Gondor, ruling together as King and Queen. The time has come to reestablish the kingdom of Annuminas in the old realm of Arnor, where the Rangers of the North reside. Leaving the kingdom in the hands of his regent, Aragorn takes Averael and travels with her brother Eros north. Along the way, they encounter surprises both good and bad, making decisions that will affect the Reunited Kingdom- and everyone within it. 

See you over there!

Rangers of the North (Aragorn)Where stories live. Discover now