Home made Lunch

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Anna (POV)

Around mid after noon I had once again skipped class. Being a senior in my class was just extra work for me. Yes I already had all my credits so I don't even have to be there as long as I continue to do what ever assignment the teach gives us I'm fine.

You're probably wondering 16 and a senior. Well I went to school early than expected.

Now I am in the kitchen alone. Lita is out with some friends and Bill was at his job site while the kids well they were either at school or out with Lita.

I decided to raid the fridge making lunch. It's been a while but I made enough for everyone here and I had left overs. My mind and thoughts were of the old man. I wonder if he would appreciate a home cook meal.  

Our last lunch was kind of fun.  It was fun teasing uncle with those questions.  Who knew a man of his physics would fumble with his words.  It was kind of cute.  

Honestly though talking with uncle is like I can talk to him about anything without being judge.  It was refreshing because though he seemed uncomfortable talking truthful not once had he complained or told me to shut up.  I admire that.  He actually listens to me.

Oh I couldn't help but giggle at the thought of him.

Packing up some food I left in quite a hurry. It was almost lunch and I am sure he wouldn't be having lunch as usually not unless he's out with one of his many girls.

Once again I found myself in front of his office door. This time the lady in red and the security guard let me in with ease.

After giving my name he said I was on the list. What ever that means. And the lady in red didn't even try to stop me.

My hands trembled at the touch of the door handle. Yesterday when I came I was a bit surprise; things can be done behind close doors. What if he is in there with another bimbo.

Getting the courage I heard a voice behind the door yell, "You may come in kid." Hesitating I opened the door. My eyes roamed his office and found no one. No girl, I felt my heart relax.

"How'd you know it was me?" Did he smell me, do I smell. I mean I took a shower before I came here.


"Tony? Whose he?"

"He is a she and she is the lady in the front desk."

"Ah, the lady in red."

"Are you here to take me out to lunch again." He chuckled revealing his dimples.

"Um...actually..." I place the lunch bag on his desk. "Here." Instead of saying anything he cocked an eyebrow.

"Enjoy." Before I could turn around and make a hasty exit I heard his deep voice from behind, "Aren't you going to join me?" Join him? He want's me here. His words made my heart do back flips.

Closing the door I sat on his love seat sofa that was in the middle of his office and opened the lunch to display it on the center table.

Getting up from his desk he sat across from me eyeing up the food. "You made these?"

"Yups. I thought once in a while home cook meal would be good. Sorry it its not from a 5 star dining."

I watch him take a full spoon of curry I made into his mouth. He chewed every bite, his expression giving nothing away as he swallowed, I knew it, he hates it.


"What really." I couldn't help but smile.

"This is much better then those expensive restaurant food." I was ecstatic. I watched him eat.

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