Drowning in a sea of Blood

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Anna (POV)

Shiela and I were at the police station.  Mr. Randy Walker, her father, my so called uncle was brought in for questioning.

The case that was filled when he filled a missing report on auntie Clarissa reopened.

Scouring his old home, a body was found underneath a shed.   A body that belonged to auntie Clarissa.

What I said was true and finally came out of the open.  Shiela had thrown a chair at Mr. Walker as he pleaded he was innocent.

She was angry and this only happen within a span of few days.  The NYPD or New York police department had worked fast.

I am now staying with Shiela.  I may not remember much of my child hood but she never hated me.  Sure she may have found me annoying but she was actually looking out for me.

That day after my parents funeral she reminded, uncle was so angry that she was scared what he might do.  So she led him astray while she had opened the back door for me telling me to go away.

I wish I could remember.  It was now all over the news so what happened to Global Enterprises.

Well that was another thing I had heard that Uncle had taken over Global Enterprises.   Good for him.  He may have had kicked me out but I don't hate him. How could I hate him. He had shown me more to life than anyone in my life that I know of. And for that I am grateful.

This wasn't his fault but my own. 

Standing in the bathroom naked, Shiela was out probably partying.  She had invited me but I don't want to see people.  How could I? It's because of people that they seem so trusting but in the end, they end up hurting you.

The tub was filled with water as I began to soak my dirty body while holding a razor blade.  I just need a few gashes to make the pain, the memories go away.

With both my arms, I watch the blood slowly leaked out.  The water was no longer clear but the color of red.

No pain. No more pain.  It was not enough however.  Needed a few more.  I deserve it.  No one would want someone whose filthy.  Not even uncle.  His angry face is what keeps me up at night.

The nightmares I had of auntie Clarissa had vanished only to be replace by a new nightmare.  It was taunting me really.

Leaning back, I let sleep had consume me.  My body at its weaken state had sunk deeper into the water. 

This felt nice.  Relaxing even.

"Anna!"  It was faint.  More like a mumble.  Was someone yelling?

"Anna!  Are you in there!  Open the fucking door."  Go away.  It was a voice that haunted my dreams.  Was he still angry?

Soon bubbles had escaped my lips.  My eyes slowly drifting into a peaceful slumber.

"Anna!" Shiela?  She's back so soon.

"Get the keys."  I heard a panic in his voice.

"I don't remember where the keys are."  It's fine really.  They don't have to be such worry warts.  Slowly I was entering a peaceful slumber.

Aidan (POV)

It's so obvious where Anna could be.  It's all over the news reguarding Mr. Walker how his daughter and her cousin had sent him to jail.

Now here I am.  There was no answer at the door so I had climed through the window.  The only place that was lock was the bathroom as I had called for her name.

The lights were on so she has to be in there or it could be Shiela but she would've opened the door by then.

No response, no answer and now I was even more worried.

"Anna!" I yelled beating on the door.

"Aidan."  Shiela called out. 

"Is Anna in here?"

Nodding her head, I asked her for the keys to her bathroom which she had none.

"Fuck the keys."  I kicked the door once.  I don't care how many times I have to kick the door I will until the door breaks down completely.

On my fourth kick the door flew open with a bang.  Rushing in, in a state of panic, I gasped in shock as she was submerged underneath the water filled with blood.  Her blood.

Pulling her out I carried her onto the floor.

"Call 911," I ordered Shiela.

Looking back at her, she was pale and she wasn't breathing.  Her lips were the color of purple. "Come on baby."  I lightly tapped her face hoping to get some kind of reaction.

My head leaning, feeling for some kind of breath, nothing.

When I got none I pressed firmly on her chest hoping she would cough up what ever water she inhaled.  When that didn't work I also pinched the bridge of her nose trying to blow some air into her mouth.

And repeating all over again.  "Come on baby, wake up for me please."

She made no signs.  "Fuck Anna, wake the fuck up."  I was now almost sobbing.  I wasn't going to loose her.  "Come back to me for fucks sake Anna come back to me." I was hysterically sobbing, "Breath baby breath." Tilting her chin up I blew air into her mouth.

"They're on their way."  Shiela said.  "How is she?"

"She...fuck...Anna, please wake up."  As I leaned into her again, water had bursts out of her.  She was now coughing.

My body had relax as I pulled her into my embrace.  I didn't care that she was completely naked or the fact that my expensive suit is now soaked.  I lightly beat on her back making sure all the water came out of her.

"Oh, god Anna.  I was scared that I'd loose you."  I had weep into the crook of her neck.

Her warm body filled my senses.  As I was holding her, she trembled at my touch.

"Here."  Shiela brought a towel which I had wrapped around her lifting her up towards the couch where I cradled her.

Her eyes were closed from exhaustion.  My gaze turned to her wrist while holding her hand.  Noticing gashes.  My poor Anna.  She felt lost and I wasn't there to comfort her.  Something that was taken from her, she fought hard and I wasn't their to protect her.

She was there for me but when she needed me the most I had tossed her out like trash.  Since when had I almost lost her.  Her smile, her energy.

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