"I'm Sorry."

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Aidan (POV)

Days has passed and Megan and I had further pulled away from me.  She never let me forget what had transpired.  Blaming me for the lost of our daughter as well as Anna.

And that kiss, I can't seem to get it out of my mind.

As for Anna she seems different.  I hardly see her eat and she is always cooped up in her room.  Aside from when she goes to school and work.  And when I would come into her vicinity she would flinch as if I would harm her.  She has been isolating herself even from  Tony and Linda.

And that boy, I don't see her hanging around her anymore.  Did he do something to her because if he did,  he better have a good lawyer or a good prayer.

Usually when she works, she is always smiling.   Since her birthday her smile seems to have disappeared and her wardrobe had change drastically.  From dresses and shorts to longs sleeve and pants. 

What is going on? 

I couldn't deal with the situations at home between the two girls living there so I found myself at a bar.  I could drink the night away.

"Hey sexy."  I sipped my whiskey when a blond had sat next to me running her fingers on my arms.

"Want to buy me a drink?"  She asked.

Sure why not.  Calling for the bartender she ordered her drink.  "So tell me what brings a man like you here unless you are looking to unwind."  She purred.

Wasn't thinking that but I could use something to not think for awhile.

After a few drinks this lady and I found ourselves at the motel across the street.  When she rammed into me, her fingers attempting to tear my clothes apart.

In my state of mind I was drunk but not that drunk to  not know what I am doing.  Do I want to do this, as she I had jammed my tongue down her throat a face had suddenly popped up.

A face I wish to see at that very moment.  I had to be at home.  Something in me tells me something is wrong.  "Anna."  I whispered.

"Who the fuck is Anna."  The girl snapped.

What the hell am I doing.  I shouldn't be here.  I should be at home.  I needed her.  Soon I had felt a sting on my right cheek as the blond stormed out.

At that moment I could care less and found myself hailing an uber home.

Arriving home, I yelled, "Anna!"

"She's up stairs in her room."  Linda said.

Just then Megan stomped down the steps glaring at me, "Did you know what that slut did?"

What is it now.  Is she going to give me another poor excuse why this is all Anna's fault.

"What are you talking about?"

"That girl!  In our bed room."

"What about it?"  I asked not liking her accusations.

"That slut of a girl you brought into our home had sex on our bed.  Our bed sheets are gone or haven't you notice and there are tiny spot of blood on our carpet."

What!  I was truly and utterly dumbfounded.  How could she accuse Anna doing something like that in my bed room.

She would never do that.  Not my Anna.

Taking the stairs two at a time I barreled into her room when I notice she was hugging her knees sobbing on the floor next to her bed.  Her face buried in her legs as her fingers were pulling on her hair.  I was going to ask her what Megan was talking about but looking at her, she looked like someone just died.

"Anna."  At the sound of my voice she looked up.  Streak of tears where signs that she has been crying probably for days.

"Anna, kid what's wrong."  I kneeled down pulling her into a hug.

I felt her arms snake around my neck as she continued to cry.  I have never seen her like this.  And for once she didn't flinched at my touch.

"Anna baby, tell me what's wrong." Anna baby? I don't know why but it felt right to call her that.

Shaking her head she spoke no word. 

"Please tell me."  I softly spoke.

"You'd hate me."

Hate her.  I could never hate her.  Setting her on the bed her eyes did not meet mine.  Instead she looked at the closet like she was hiding a big secret.

"Anna.  Look at me."  She refused.

"Anna!"  I barked trying to gain her attention.

What's so important in her closet that she couldn't tell me.

Turning to open her closet Anna pulled me back, "Uncle please don't."

"Are you hiding something from me."  She shook her head furiously.

"That's it.  Anna. You have been acting strange and your keeping something from me.  What is it you're keeping?"

Still she gave me no response.

Opening her closet a sheet fell out.  My bed sheets.  The sheet that belonged to Megan and I on my bed.  It was filled with blood stains.

At that moment my resolve had furied.  Megan was right.  "Did you have sex on my bed in my room."  I yelled glaring at her and holding up the sheets.

She remained quiet on her spot.

"Answer me damn it."  She flinched.


"Just answer the question."  Her head had nodded timidly.

"Oh for fucks sake.  Was it that boy?"

Again she nodded her head.

I don't know why but I was fucking angry, so angry I wanted to strangle her.

Megan was right.  Maybe if I hadn't brought her into my home my child would still be here.  How could I be so blind and stupid.

"Get out."


"You heard me, pack your shit and get out."  I headed straight for the door.

"When I come back you better be gone."

Anna (POV)

He hates me.  I knew it.  He can't even look at me.  Uncle.  He wants me out.  Where will I go.

Just then Linda came to me upon hearing the loud voice coming from uncle.  He never yelled at me before.  He was so angry. 

Looking at my wrists I rolled up my sleeve, my fingers lightly tracing the gashes I had put there from one of his razor blade.  For some odd reason, the blades had soothed me feeling a different kind of pain in order for me to sleep.

I was tired.

"Oh sweetheart."  Linda cooed.  Her hugs felt nice and warm.  "Wait here okay, I'll bring you something to eat."  Linda left without bothering to wait for my answer.

Picking myself up, I threw what ever into my bag, removing my necklace that uncle had given me and placed it on the table. I couldn't keep this.  Before Linda came back I was going to be gone.

Uncle said he wanted me gone before he came back so I'll be going now.  Before leaving the house I took one last look at it.  It was fun while it lasted.

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