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Anna (POV)

Thanks Giving was just around the corner. I haven't been to the doctors yet. I was just too afraid of the outcome. Sure I would love to be a mom, but if the dad is not Aidan I don't know what I would do, hell I don't know how he would react.

As I was aimlessly walking around class I stopped. There was a man across from me with a smug smile on his face. He was wearing a ball cap and shades one that seemed all too familiar to me.

I have always had the feeling of my being followed but I always pushed that feelings down. Who'd want to stalk me. I'm no body special.

And my routine hasn't change one bit. I'd go to school then work after. Aidan has been very very sweet which I could not get enough of.

"Anna." Looking up my computer I spotted Aidan smiling at me, his hands in his pocket as he moves back and forth.

"Yes." I smiled back. My goodness I feel like one of those teen who blushes every time one of their crushes say their name. I never thought I'd be in the situation ever.

But before he had said anything, I ran towards the bathroom. Once again I am bent over hurling everything I had for breakfast. Morning sickness sucks. I don't know who ever named that but shouldn't it be whenever sickness because if its not morning, its in the afternoon sometimes during sleep. I mean really, why call it morning sickness if you will find yourself in the bathroom all day.

Linda had told me saltine crackers should help. Not!

"Anna, are you okay." Aidan called from behind the door.

"Um...yes." I washed my hands before exiting to find a very worried looking old man. And yes to me he will always be an old man. He's 10 years older than me.

I just found it he had turned 27 this past January. It's November now. Guess we both miss each other's birthday. Wait correction, he missed two of my birthdays. Can't really blame him though, it was the day he lost his daughter.

He has gotten better though but that day I have never see him so lost. True like a man I have not seen him cry well maybe sob or watery eyes but his excuse is something was caught in his eyes. Can you say lame.

"Are you all right?" He asked concern while tucking a strand of hair behind my ears.

Just touching him or feeling him always sends my whole body tingle.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure because lately I have notice that you have been sick lately."

Well guess he did notice. Was I just bad at hiding it.

"Must be the exams. Too much stress." I lied hoping he'd by into that lie.

We were now at home the next day where we had prepared a nice Thanks giving meal. Aidan's friends who I have not met had invited him and I to their Thanks giving. But in his defense he declined because he wasn't ready to share me with anyone. And that seeing it is our first Thanks giving he wants to celebrate it with only me.

He says he wants to have many firsts with me. Which is great. So we spoke about everything and anything. Well it's mostly me speaking but he never shown that he got tired of me listening.

Good think because it kept my thoughts out of other things I wish not to think about.


Finally after many, many persuasion, Linda had talked me into seeing a doctor, not for my sake or Aidan's but for the baby. Yes I had promised her that I'd find out after Thanks Giving. I just wanted a day not to worry about such matters.

Linda sat there holding my hand, "Everything will be find dear."

"Ms. Anna Dianels." The nurse called as Linda and I entered a room. I've only been here twice when Aidan had taken me away from the foster care, still I could never get used to the smell in here. One when I was injured in school and not too long ago.

"Ms. Dianels." The doctor came in, "I'm Dr. Grant." He smiled which had frightened me a bit. Why was I so frightened. That same smug smile that is now haunting me. Where have I seen that smile?

As he went to touch me I flinched. "Dear, everything will be alright." Linda reassured.

"I can assure you I mean you no harm." Dr. Grant took a seat, "So what brings you here?"

"I think I'm pregnant." Being a Doctor he just smiled and handed me a cup.

"Pee in here and we will proceed."

"Can I ask a question Doctor before we begin."


"Is it possible if I am pregnant to know the exact day of when it was conceive?"

Looking deep in thought he answered, "It is possible, would you like to know when?"

That is the question. Do I really want to know the answer. If I don't I could make believe Aidan is the dad. Nodding my head, "Yes I would like to know."

"Very well."

"How long will that take?"

The doctor looked back at me with a solemn expression, "Usually 1 to 2 weeks but for you I can have the lab run the tests and we can know in 10 minutes."

That fast. That's odd. Wonder why he seemed so eager to do the test? None the less I had agreed.

After peeing in the cup and giving it to the doctor Linda and I waited impatiently might I add. The clocked seemed to turn seconds into hours.

Finally the door open revealing the same Doctor with that same smug smile, "Congratulations, You're pregnant."

I don't know if I should be happy or not. "Now just wait for the lab results and soon you will know the date of your conception."

As I fidget in my place, Linda tried to calm me down.

Good thing Aidan isn't here with me because he might throw a hissy fit. And I can't have that.

Nearing the time, the doctor once entered the room with a piece of paper. The paper that could either break me or give me my happy ending.

Marcel was now driving us back home. I had made sure Marcle and Linda wouldn't tell Aidan. I should be the one to tell him first. As I held the papers in my hand it trembled in place, I have not yet looked at the paper. I was too afraid. To afraid of the answers.

Once arriving home I headed straight to my room. Well mine and Aidan's room, with shakey hands I unfolded the paper.

My eyes had teared, my heart beat had exhilarated, my breathing had hitch, date of conception "Early September, the day of my birthday." Fuck!

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