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Aidan (POV)

At that moment I didn't care about the pain as I ran as fast as I could when I saw her body had fallen back hitting her head in the process.  "Anna, fuck Anna!"  I yelled until I reached her.

The truck was no where to be seen as people started to gather around.

In a state of panic I rushed up to her pushing away the sea of crowd as they were video taping or taking pictures. If I had the time, I would smash all their phones.

"Call 911." I demanded as I had picked up my Anna who was laying unconsciously. I know you shouldn't pick her up but I wanted to. I had to as blood had leaked from her head.

"Oh fuck no please Anna." I sobbed.

I was no rocking back and forth with her in my arms. I didn't care if I was drawing attention, I didn't care if my picture was taken, I didn't cry if I was crying. Fuck, I was literally crying, bawling my eyes out. That's all I have been doing this past weekend, crying. "Baby please open your eyes. Please I want to see those beautiful eyes."

Memories of our past was now displaying in my mind. Her first smile, her first kiss, her touch, I'd give any thing to get those back.

Where the hell is the fucking ambulance?

Soon sirens could be heard from a distance. "Sir," an EMT came up to me checking Anna. "We need to get her to the hospital."

I nodded my head as I watch them put Anna on a stretcher at the same time trying to administer first aid. "Are you related to her?" One of the EMT ask.

"I'm her husband." I cried even more.

"If you want you can sit in the back." If I want he says. Of course I want to. I wasn't going to let her go to the hospital on her on.

Getting in the back, I held her hands while I watch the EMT hooking her up to machines and trying to stop her from bleeding out.

Her hand was still warm as I held her hands against my face. I wanted to feel her, I never want to loose this feeling. "She's pregnant." I told the EMT. "Please save the child too."

"We will do everything we can for your wife."

It's been hours since she's been in surgery. Linda kept my company as well as Tony. They kept me from destroying this hospital of course.

"Mr. Williams." A man in a lab coat smiled, "I'm Dr. Grant, Anna's doctor. The surgery was a complete success. She had a blood clot and swelling in the brain but we managed to removed the clot and reduce the swelling. She should wake up in a few days hopefully."

Hopefully, what does he mean hopefully? "And the baby?"

"Surprisingly the baby is fine."

"Can we see here?"


The good Doctor then told me her room.

Once I entered I wanted to crumble towards me knees. If it wasn't for Linda and Tony I'm sure I would've fallen.

There was my Anna all bruised and stitch up. She was wheezing as if her lungs were trying to force her to breath. Her arms was filled with bandages as well as her legs and the baby my god the baby.

Standing by her side, I pulled up a chair afraid to even touch her. Afraid that she much crumble before me eyes.

She looks frail, not the once feisty girl I had known. "Anna." I whispered her name hoping she would hear me. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone."

This was all my fault. I shouldn't have walked out on her. And the fucking bitch had to come into my work space.

My anger was rising.

"Sir. Please calm down." Why is everyone telling me to calm down. I am calm damn it.

Ignoring Tony I lightly pressed my ears to her chest just listening to the sound of her heart beat. It's slow but still beating.

"Linda, maybe I should've let her stay with those foster parents."

Suddenly I felt a smack in the back of my head. Did she just smack me. "Oh grow up Aidan. You and I both know she was happy when you brought her home."

It's true. I remember her smile. She was happy. Fuck, I want to continue to make her happy.

"Tony," I started wanting to tell her to handle business since I will be away until she wakes up.

"On it boss. Don't worry about a thing." Tony can read me like a book. I'm so glad she works for me because she can handle practically anything. "Don't worry sir, she is a fighter."

"Oh my god! Anna. What the hell happen?" Shiela bursts into my room in fury. Linda had called her seeing I was incapable of even having a conversation with her.

Again another smack towards my head. Why do people think its okay to smack me. "What the fuck Aidan. I left my cousin in your care and look at her. Does she look like she's being cared for." For the first time in my life I never saw Shiela as the plastic blond. No, I saw her as a her family, her cousin who actually cared for her. Despite her being angry with me I was actually happy to know Anna has at least one family.

"Shiela." I growled out her name, "Don't you ever smack me again." Heading my silent threat she backed herself into a corner.

"Even so Aidan, you are suppose to take care of my cousin. Who the hell am I going to insult now."

I chuckled at her own issue. "Anna!" She yelled. "What the hell. You fucking bitch wake the fuck up." Shiela has a way with words.

"I see everyone here." Dr. Grant came in with a clip board in his hands.

"And you are." Shiela extended her hands while batting her eyes. Her skirt all of a sudden rising up.

"Dr. Grant." He winked.

"My, you are my cousins Doctor." I could see her head spining. "I have a few questions regarding my cousin if you don't mind why don't we discuss this in your office."

Dr. Grant gulped, "Of course this way." He then lead Shiela away to do who knows what.

I was caught under her radar before, now I'm glad she can find someone else to play with.

As my attention turned back towards Anna, silently I sat next to her praying and hoping for a miracle. Little did I know miracles doesn't exists.

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