Dr. Grant

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Aidan (POV)

"Babe." I caressed her cheek, "How long are you planning on sleeping?"

My heart dropped as I know I wouldn't get a response.

It's been about two weeks since the accident, and I have yet to see her bight eyes smiling at me.

Tomorrow is Christmas, our first Christmas together and she won't be even here to celebrate with me.

The news station had covered Anna's accident. The police had found no trail of the one who was driving the red pick up truck. The license plate was even fake and there were no witness that came forward of what actually happened.

I however, had witness and to me it looked like someone intentionally tried to run her over. This only infuriated me more.

Getting some coffee at the caferteria which was terrible I sat trying to eat something. Lately I didn't have much appetite and refuse to eat until Anna can eat with me. I missed her cooking. Linda scolded me for not eating so I would eat this disgusting hospital food.

"Aidan." Looking up I saw a perky Megan making her way towards me. "Oh my god Aidan, I am terribly sorry about Anna." She enveloped me in a hug. I couldn't help but hug her. It was the feeling of bodily contact right now and I miss having it with Anna even though what she did was wrong, I would never forgive her.

I haven't seen her since she posted bail.  After Josh's sentence she denied ever knowing Josh and his plans so there were no concrete evidence against her.

"How are you?" She asked concerned maybe for my well being.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well when I heard the news I came to console you. Is this what you are eating?" She looked at my food disgusted by the sight. "Come let's eat out, my treat." When she attempted to pull my hand, my feet had rooted to the floor.

"I'm not leaving."

"Oh come one Aidan, it's just dinner." Though dinner did sounded good, I wasn't going to leave and enjoy myself when Anna was upstairs by herself. I wasn't going to leave her, hell when she wakes up, I am never going to leave her side again.

"Do you understand me Megan, I am not leaving while Anna is here."

"I don't get you Aidan. She isn't going anywhere and you need your strength." What she says makes sense. "Let's go back to my place, I'll cook for you, one of my good meals."

As tempting as that sounds, I was starting to hear warning bells and see red flags. "Thank you for the offer but I'm good with the food here." I kindly dismiss her.

"Aidan, don't you see what she is doing to you? She is making you weak, soft. Now I'm going to be honest with you. Tomorrow is Christmas and I want to spend it with you like old times."

I was now glaring, "Old times. I'll be spending my Christmas with Anna so please leave."

"No Aidan, you and I both know I still want you please come back to me. It's not even for certain that, that brat will live."

If I wasn't in a public place I'd probably strangle her, "Megan, out. I do not want to see your face again do you hear me."

With one last huff I watch her strut her ass out of the hospital.

Six months after that hit and run my precious Anna stay still in a coma just sleeping peacefully. "You know you can't stay asleep forever." I sighed willing for her to wake up.

Thankfully she was still pregnant and the baby continues to get bigger and healthier. The doctor had said it's common even if the mother is in a coma that the baby will live.

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