Uh Oh

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Aidan (POV)

Booking a room at one of my hotels was lonely.  I hadn't gone home.  I couldn't go home and pretend nothing had happened. I shouldn't have walked out on her. But just being with her it was breaking me.

After Anna had called me at the club, I regret even thinking of kissing the blond.  Well granted she kissed me first but I didn't even push her away fast enough. That's no excuse on my end.

As I looked at my cell phone reading her texts over and over again, begging me to come home.

I wanted to call her, I wanted to text her a good morning and good night. I had miss her voice, the sound of laughter. I miss bathing with her.

Questions had filled my mind, was she eating okay, was she bathing properly. Did she hurt herself in the bathroom trying to scrub way too hard. She had told me that she feels filthy because of that bastard.

But I had told her that she is not filthy. I would tell her a thousand times until she feels better taking a shower on her own though I didn't mind taking a shower with her. In fact I wanted her to always bathe with me.

Even though the doctor had told me its best for her to see a psychiatrist I wasn't going to put her in that. I am all she needs. I don't care how long it takes but I will drive all those haunting memories away. And now I 'm not even there.

Fuck I wanted to go home and hold her in my arms, telling her I would be there one hundred percent. That child is mine just as much it was hers.

Truth be told though I felt ashamed.  I can't believe I walked out on her like that.  She was pregnant.  It may not be my blood but that child is a part of Anna and I will be the best damn father to that child, to my child.

So why can't I just go home.  Because guilt and regret had  consumed me.

For this past weekend my friends and I had drank our selves till we couldn't even walk.  Sure girls had made a pass at me but I kindly rejected them.  Well if you call yelling at them and calling them fucking sluts rejecting them then by all means, whatever it takes to get them to leave me alone. My heart and body already belongs to someone else.

I love Anna and I would never in a million years do that to her.  Besides the only person who I ever want to touch me, or who I want to touch, is her, it will always be her.

Sitting on the bed of my hotel room I thought of ways to apologize.  I know for a fact she would be the one to apologize but this isn't her fault, nothing is her fault but mine.  I was the one who pushed her away to date that boy, I was the one who left her alone on her birthday, I was the one who failed to protect her and I was the one who walked out on her.

All these events was all because of me.  Maybe if she hadn't met me then she would've been happy. 

Hell no, what ever I may be thinking she will not be happy with anyone else but me.

Sitting in my office was a beautiful princess cut diamond ring on my desk that I had bought over the weekend, it was a 20 million dollar ring that I intend to propose to Anna on Christmas. I wasn't going to propose to her just because she is pregnant. This was on my mind way before Thanks Giving.

She was my haven my solace my everything.

"Sir, you have a visitor."

Putting the ring away in my desk, "I don't have any appointment."

"She says it's urgent."

She?  "Send her in."  I sighed.

There she was that blond I met the first time I went clubbing on Friday night.  She was wearing barely anything.  None the less I kept my eyes on her face.

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