Two Losses

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Anna (POV)

My body was sore. Looking at myself in the mirror after my one hour bath of non stop scrubbing I had red marks all over my body. And no it wasn't from that scrubbing oh sure my skin was red but they were more like hand prints.

Especially my neck and my wrists. My stomach on the other hand had a big purple bruise where he had punched me.

My eyes were blotchy from crying, my nose swollen and red.

"Anna!" Looking towards my door uncle was home. I couldn't let him see me like this.

It's not that I don't want him too, it's just I feel too ashamed of myself. How could I look at uncle in the eye. He'd call me a hooker or a slut and probably throw me out on the street. He won't look at me the same way. Uncle always had that look like he was looking at some innocent child. I have seen that look. Now I'm afraid. He will judge me.

Fuck no matter how much I had scrub and scrub.

Heading towards my drawer I had put on some long pants, long sleeve shirt and a scarf. A little foundation on my lip and good as new right. Also throwing a plastic smile on my face, he wouldn't know.

Just then uncle barged into my room looking like the world has ended. I have never seen uncle so defeated before.

Pulling me into a hug sobbed. Though he wasn't crying for what ever reason he just look like someone died. I patted his back like he would do to me when I'm feeling down.

"Uncle." Pulling him towards the bed I sat him down slowly. "Uncle what is wrong?" My voice came out shakey still from earlier hoping my voice has not betrayed me.

"My daughter." My eyes widen.

"What happened?"

"Megan she lost the baby."

"Oh my god, uncle I'm so sorry." Soon we were both just holding each other comforting each other. I don't know how I manage too cry since I have been crying for the past hours still I cried for him, for auntie and his daughter and for myself.

He needed me. He was always there for me now I can be there for him. I have to set aside what had happened earlier and be strong for him.

No matter what happen, I won't ever tell him. I can't, I couldn't. This time it's not all about me.

Looking at me uncle had leaned in to slowly kiss me. My lips were still sore but uncle had kissed me. If this happened before today I would've been so ecstatic. Without noticing he had slip in his tongue. I don't think uncle knows what he's doing. He's just vulnerable right now and I can't do that to him. "Uncle." I breath in between his kisses. Soon he had realize what he had done before pulling away, "I'm sorry."

I understood what he did, he wanted comfort and I couldn't do that to him. Not when I'm feeling dirty and not when uncle is feeling lost.

Soon uncle had fallen asleep on my bed. I watched him lightly snore. His brows had furrowed as I had evened it out with my fingers. "I'm so sorry uncle." I whispered. I don't know how it feels to loose a child but I'm sure he must be suffering.

While I had watch him sleep I laid next to him trying to sleep. Soon as I closed my eyes, his face appeared. His cold eyes, his snarl, his touch.

My eyes had flung open. For days I had woken up during odd hours because of nightmares that seemed to plague my mind, now I can barely keep my eyes close without seeing his face.

I wanted to cry again but uncle was here. So I found myself in my bathroom gazing at myself. A person I could hardly recognized.

Holding up my head in an attempt to rid me of this terrible nightmare, I want to bash my eyes. How could he? I thought he was my friend. I had confided in him, we had laughed and shared secrets.

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