Midorima - Emboldened

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This is a reader/ oc x Midorima lemon Fanfiction.

You are a 17yr old girl at Shūtoku High and are a part of the student council.

A lot of people thought we were an item, but we weren't. We had been in the same class for the past 2 years and I also just happened to end up being his study buddy.
[Sigh] That's probably all he saw me as though, a study buddy.
[Sigh] Speaking of which, tonight we were having another study session at his house.

When I arrived he dove straight into study mode. First we read our material separately, making notes along the way and after about 3 hours we took a short break before heading to his room to quiz one another. We got really into it and ended up having a match of sorts.
I excused myself and went to the bathroom, returning to find Midorima sleep at the edge of the bed. I carefully took off his glasses and placed them on the nightstand. I then pulled out my phone and lay back on the bed.

I open my eyes to see his face close to mine. I'd forgotten we'd fallen asleep on the bed.
He looked so beautiful whilst asleep. . . I couldn't help myself. I stretched my neck forward and gently pressed my lips against his. After a second I pulled back, then a moment later his lips touched mine. I broke away from the kiss; startled.
"You were awake!" I exclaim.
"I didn't say I was sleeping," he drawled huskily.
I turn away preparing to get off the bed but he rolls on top of me and kisses me again.

Midorima forces his tongue into my mouth and when it touches mine, my body starts to tingle. His kisses start to move down from my lips to my neck and then to the V between my breasts. "I'm sorry, I can't," I say pushing him away.
He sits up "I'm sorry I guess I was getting ahead of myself," he says scratching his head nervously before leaving the room.

As the moments tick by, the aching sensation in my lower region starts to intensify.
I bury myself under the covers and slip my hand into my underwear and begin to play with myself,I rub my clit lightly and then move down to rub my folds, soft moans escape from my mouth and I bite my lip trying to keep quiet.

I guess I took longer than I'd expected because just as I was reaching the good part the covers were flipped back, the light blinding me.
When my eyes finally adjust I see him staring at me, his face red. I don't know how to react, but thankfully a split second later he throws the covers back over my head.
I remain hidden under the covers curling up into a ball, my face burning up from the embarrassment of being caught.

A few minutes later I hear the door open and then click closed. There is a slight rustling of the sheets and then I feel his warm body pressed against my back.
I start to uncurl myself but tense up when I feel him rubbing his groin against my butt.

Shintarou groans in my ear draping his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. He then reaches for my arm and brings my hand back down to my womanhood, as he whispers, "Play with me."
His hand then returns to my stomach, caressing it, before traveling under my t-shirt; resting just below my breasts.
I slip my hands back into my pants and then gyrate my hips and he releases a low groan as my ass rubs against his dick.

Taking it as a sign to proceed he unhooks my bra and pulls it over my chest before my gently cupping my breast. He showers my neck with light kisses as his hand massages my right breast. He then runs his finger around my areola; teasing my nipple and making it become taut.
I moan loudly when he twists the bud, and then feel a giant lump fall onto me.

"Mido-chan!!" yells a little voice.
We both freeze. I then feel him move away me and yank the lump off of me.
"Teichi, what are you doing here?" he asks with a hint of irritation.
"Okaa-san wants to give you something ," the little boy replies happily.
Midorima pauses thinking for a bit, he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs when he remembers what he had asked his aunt to bring him
" Todays lucky item."

Maybe Oha asa gave the wrong predictions for the day or just the wrong lucky item.

Will let him have a bit more action next time. 😉

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