Kise - Bad Boy 😎

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This is the last oneshot of this book.

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Kise x Reader


It is a Tuesday night and your [ACTIVITY] finished late so here you are walking through the park at a rather late hour.

White clouds wander over the moon like ghosts, dimming the beautiful night and morphing it into something sinister. As you turn a corner on the path, you feel a hand on your throat and then hot, moist breath against your ear.

“What are you doing so late at night, searching for a bad boy?”

How do you respond?

a)Give a sharp retort
b)Stand there is silence

Before you can do anything the person (slightly) tightens his grip around your throat and hushes you.


Despite this person being a possible pervert and/or criminal, his voice has a very smoothing quality.

Next you feel tender lips against your neck as you are lead slowly off the path and into the brush.

Once you are far enough away from the path, your assailant presses you against a tree in a surprisingly gentle fashion. His lips continue to enjoy your neck as the one clutched around your throat descends further, to clutch your breast. You cry out in shock.

“Shhh,” the man breathes in your ear, as he starts to knead the mound.

You obey and clamp your mouth shut, too afraid to scream and too dignified to let out a moan.

Caught between the two hard bodies the mystery man pulls back a bit and reaches for your top. And like a snake charmer he somehow coerces you into taking it off. Once it is on the ground, your bra is a simple matter, and it is whipped off in a matter of seconds.

You are momentarily pushed against the tree, your buds hardening as they brush up against the rough bark. You are blinded by a glove covering your eyes as you are turned around and for a moment there is just silence. You can feel his disgusting eyes viewing your exposed torso and then his equally revolting touch as his fingers tweak a pert bud.

Bending down to suckle one of your nipples a gap is created in between his fingers and you catch a glimpse of the mystery man’s clothing. The male clad in black inches his lips up your chest and back to your throat. With his head nestled in the crook of your neck he forgets to cover your eyes and uses both hands to massage your chest.

If you were truly in this sort of situation what would you do?

a)Fight back right there and then.
b)Accept your fate.
c)Feign weakness and wait for an opening?

Don’t worry  I will choose one for you. ;?)

Gathering your strength you push him with as much force as possible and he staggers back and then falls. You quickly pick up your clothes and then lift your head; looking for your escape route, you had planned on running as soon as you had gotten your shirt, but the sight of the victimiser leaves you paralysed.



They say you are supposed to get wiser as you get older but here you are again. Maybe in your subconcious History is your favourite subject. Why else would you want to reenact such a painful memory? The curse started in Middle School and is still shadowing  you even now. Having the same thing happen with both of the relationships that you've had in college. And it's always the same words.

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