Kuroko - White Day Version 01 💝

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Because August is my Birthday Month, I will be generous and publish two stories. 😁

This will also almost be the completion of this book as well as the start of new book's; including KNB Lemons Pt.2 . Please follow to get updates on new releases. 🤩

Kuroko x Reader

“[NAME] gave me chocolate for Valentines again even though I never give her anything back on White Day.”   Sigh.

Kagami looks at Kuroko surprised.
“When did you get here?!”

“You’re the one who sat at my table.”

Kagami sweat drops.  “What’s wrong?”

Kuroko reexplains his situation to Kagami.

“Why not do something for her this white day it will be a nice memory for her senior year. You can give her flowers and cook her nice dinner o-or something,”  he stutters when he sees Kuroko looking at him perplexed.

“I can’t cook,” he replies plainly.

“Well take her out for dinner then!” Kagami yells, throwing his hands up in the air.


“I don’t know,” Kagami says exasperated. “She probably won’t care where so long as she is with you.”

Kuroko takes a long sip of his milkshake before saying, “I’m full, here Kagami you can have the rest.”

Anime veins pop on Kagami’s forehead. “Don’t just change the subject!” he yells slamming his fist on the table.

“Who is that guy yelling at,” someone whispers at the next table.

“There’s no one there,” her friend replies shaking her head.

“He’s right here,” he yells at them pointing towards Kuroko’s now empty seat.

The girls smile awkwardly at him before turning around. Kagami’s head snaps back towards Kurokos seat and then he realizes he is no longer there.

“Dammit Kuroko,” he mutters before asking for a bag and sliding all his burgers inside.

He runs outside looking for the phantom player but he is nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile Kuroko exits the bathroom scanning the room for Kagami. ‘He must've forgotten about me,’ he thinks as he walks back home.


Kuroko is quietly sitting at his desk when he feels Kagami’s hand clamp onto his head with an iron grip and then twist.

“Kuroko’” he growls.

“Hello Kagami.”

“Don’t hello me. Why did you just take off yesterday?”

“I told you I was going to the bathroom but when I came back you where gone.”

Kagami sweat drops. “Fine I’ll forgive you this time,” he grumbles before sitting down.

Over the next couple of days Kuroko thinks about what [NAME] likes, like anime, Wattpad, ecchi-oneshots  [Just joking. Name some stuff you like]. After consulting Taiga on a couple of ideas, he decides to take her out on a 'date'.


“Good Morning [NAME]-san.”

“Tetsu!” you exclaim jumping into his arms.
Tetsuya then proceeds to tell you that today he wants to thank you for everything you have done for him like all of the Valentine’s Day gifts, for always taking him seriously and for looking after out for the Seirin basketball team. And that he was going to spend the whole day with you, doing whatever you want. He then suggests that you both go get something to drink and eat whilst deciding on what to do.

Kuroko No Basket Lemons?? Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now