Kagami - Summer

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For Taiga x Reader


This was gonna be the best summer break yet you think as you disembark from the plane.
Sporting a jean jacket, an oversized shirt, black ripped jeans, army boots and a red and black plaid shirt around my waist, you make your way to baggage claim, strutting your stuff like you were on your own personal runway. Once you had reached the exit you scan the crowd for a while before spotting the red head.

"Hey Tiger!!" You yell, waving a hand.
Spotting you he pushes into the crowd with a smile on his face.

"Long time no see [NICKNAME]" he says whilst wrapping you in a tight hug.

The two of you stand there hugging for a while before you decide to break away when you feel something pressing against your stomach.

"You've changed quite a bit since I last saw you," he says taking your bags.

"You sound like my grandpa, talking like that."

"Well it's been almost 5 years since we last saw each other face to face, even though I've visited the U.S a few times you never seemed to be there."

"I can't help it. I have to travel a lot because of [SPORT]."

"Yeah, I know," he says scratching his head guilty.

"Anyway I hope you are prepared. I have a lot of things planned."

"Sure. I will have a few days off from basketball practice."

"Why? Did you hurt yourself?"


"Bakagami," you say shaking your head.



Taiga had indeed hurt himself; overdoing it during a match, so we spent his recuperating time by doing some site-seeing.

After the two weeks of constant travelling had ended Taiga had finally healed enough to resume practice. You went to watch a few practices to see how much he had improved however after that, whenever he went the gym, you would go exploring around the area and return to a delicious homemade meal, courtesy of Kagami.

After dinner the two of you would then hang out, reading sports magazines or watching tv.

You were pretty surprised the first time you had seen Taiga face-to- face at the airport after so many years. Even though you had both kept in contact, the two of you had been pretty young when he left the States to go back to Japan, and with video calling all you had really gotten to see was his face, so you were pretty shocked at how nicely the rest of him had grown.

His face was basically the same as before; scary looking on normal days, slightly thug-like when concentrating, and pretty terrifying to look at when he had his game face on, well that was if you were a stranger.

But to you on a normal day he reminded you of a teddy bear, and when he was concentrating, he was rather cute and comical, but when he was getting ready for a game whether it be during practice or watching his opponents play, the face he made was one of a kind; it turned you on in a way that nothing else could, his eyes tracking his opponents like prey . . . you wouldn't mind being devoured by him.

Uhhhhhh, you were starting to get horny again and the fact that he was standing next to you in his gym clothes; uhhhh his scent was driving you nuts.

You smile; dazed, hoping that would be enough for him to continue the conversation.


Damn a question. "What? You ask innocently.

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