Aomine - China, Cotton

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Aomine Daiki x Reader

Daiki was sweating profusely, his eyes hooded, but you could see the burning look in his eyes as he walked towards you and you take a step backwards.


He took another step towards you; you take another step back, and stumble, falling on your butt.
He stops advancing and facepalms.

“You’re such a klutz, [NAME].”

“You scared me Daiki!” you huff and kick your leg out aiming for his ankle. You successfully trip him but instead of him falling backwards like you had hoped, he lands on top of you.

“You were scared huh?” he says arching an eyebrow.
“G-Get of me,” you say trying to push him off.

He holds your shoulders and rolls over, putting you on top of him.

“If you wanted to be on top that’s all you had to say,” he smirks.

You place your hands on his chest and push yourself up, but before you can stand up completely he grabs your hands and pulls you back down.

“Neh [NAME],” he bites his lip, “We’ve been together for a while now, right?” he says, you can feel him stir beneath you.

You nod.

“Don’t you think we could . . .” he trails off.

“What Daiki?”

“Ahhh, never mind,” he says running a hand over his face and then lifting you up and moving you to the side.

“Forget it [NAME],” he says walking off towards the locker room.

You follow him, staying a few steps behind him. As soon as he enters Aomine closes the door and locks it, so you sit beside the door waiting for him. 20 minutes pass, 30 minutes pass. It finally reaches 40 minutes and you are about to knock on the door when it opens.

“What are you still doing here?”

“I wanted to talk to you. I didn’t want to leave things this way. You’re right, we have been together a long time but I- I’m j-just not ready,” you say closing your eyes tightly.

You feel his large hand on your head as he ruffles your hair, “I know I was just a little frustrated that’s all. Don’t worry about it.”

After that he walks you home. As soon as you enter you room you plop down onto your bed, thinking.

‘He is right though. We’ve been dating for almost two years.’


Ever since that time that time Aomine hasn’t made any advances, strictly sticking to first base and no more, unless I initiated second base.
Time passes by and your second anniversary draws near, but you still hadn’t figured out what gift to give Aomine. One week before the fateful day an idea comes to mind and you decide that for his gift you are going to give him . . . your virginity.

As the date gets closer and closer you start to get really nervous and so you talk to your friend Momoi asking her for advice.
“I haven’t had sex before so I don’t really know what to say, but I think confidence is the key factor. You should try dressing up,” she says enthusiastically, dragging you by the arm.
The two of you go to the mall and she chooses a dress for you. She squashes into the stall with you and helps you change.

“We need to go to the lingerie shop after this,” she says looking at your underwear with disdain.

“What’s wrong with it?”

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