Midorima - Today's Lucky Item

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Reader x Midorima
This is a continuation of the previous lemon.

A few days passed after the incident with Midorima, but no matter what you did you couldn't get this ache out of your system. That's when you knew you had to go back to the source however you also knew that that was easier said than done; with the sports festival coming this week was going to be a busy one and as the activities social chair and a member of the disciplinary committee you ended up having hardly any time to rest let alone seek out Midorima.
The week passed by in a flash and yet somehow couldn't go by fast enough.

The day of the festival has finally arrived you think cheerfully as you turn off your alarm and get dressed. You arrive at the school and monitor gate for a while, making sure everyone has come in the correct attire.
After an hour or so one of your committee members takes over and you walk around the school observing the activities that were taking place and lending a helping hand where you saw trouble. You watched a few minutes of each of the games before heading to the crowded gym, where the basket ball matches were being held.
They are playing 4 half-court games simultaneously, but the one everyone has their eyes on is the court with a green-haired teen on it.

You watched as one of his teammates passed him the ball, the other team rushed towards him but it was too late, the ball was already up in the air and then swooshing through the net. This pattern repeated again and again until there was an insurmountable gap between the two teams' scores. The whistle blew and the opposing team walked back to their bench, their spirits crushed.

You chuckle 'It still is rather unfair, despite the fact that you had enforced a new rule this year that limited Midorima's game time to 1 quarter.' You had leveled the playing field as much as you could; it was their fault if the opposing team couldn't handle the pressure. You left the gymnasium and continued your rounds.

Once the festival was over the council helped clean up and then reconvened before dismissing and heading home for the day. As one of the main organizers for the event you had volunteered to make sure that all rooms had been locked, and that there were no student loitering around the premises. Everything seemed in order so you headed towards the gate, passing the gymnasium on your way; when you hear the all so familiar swoosh of a ball going through the net. You walk over to the door, peering inside to see a Shintaro.
"He's still practicing."
You sigh and enter the gym, placing your bag against the wall. You watch him practicing by himself rhythmically shooting balls through the hoop. After seeing the 30th one go in you pick up a stray ball and throw it at him yelling, "Hey!"

He turned around and caught the projectile just in time and then flung it into the basket without glancing back. "What are you still doing here?" You say folding your arms. The sports festival is over, you should be at home resting."

"Even if the festival is over I still have to practice for the upcoming games nano-dayo. Especially since I barely got to play today," he says looking at you accusingly.

"I had to limit your time on the court, I couldn't have a repeat of lasts events," you say taking the ball out of his hands and placing it in the metal cage. "You can just think of today as you rest day, it is an important part of training after all."

"Fine," he smirks pushing up his glasses.

In silence the two of you gather up the rest of the balls, the tension building each time you deposited a basketball. In the end you were racing to collect the balls as quickly as possible, but you couldn't place the balls in fast enough. Both of you each dunked your last basketball inside, panting as you looked into each others' eyes whilst holding onto the cold metal. The seconds ticked by and the fire in your loins started to intensify, you pulled on the cage, dragging it towards the storage room.
As soon as it was pushed into its place Midorima lunged at you pulling you close, and making you know yours.

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