A sudden proposal

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"We need to talk for a bit in private mister Miller" she stood up lending me her hand making me more confused "You will understand after our talk"

Sandy leads me to the nearest McDonald's to have something to eat "What do you want?" she walks straight to the counter.

"What are we going to talk about?" I asked her before I take a bite from my burger, "Are you single or with someone already?" she just randomly asked me out of the blue.

"I have a girlfriend" as I answer she just nods, "Does she know about the monsters?" she asked once again.

"Yes, we where attacked multiple times" I told her as I watch her eating her fries.

"Want some?" she offers me if I want some of her french fries by tilting it towards me, "No thanks" I refused and noticed she keeps on asking things.

"What do you know about those monsters?" I just threw out a question to her and she just smiled.

"Let us say I saw more than what you already saw" her smile makes me a bit more curious.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as she sips some of her float, "Just wait for now" after answering she starts to eat her burger. With her last words made me more intrigued about who she is.




Lady Yna is cooking some food for the both of us, with their generosity I must repay them by doing some house chores. So I started from upstairs to dust of the room of lord Richard.

His room is really minimal, a bed, a computer, a table, a drawer and a chair.

"It is so boring don't you think" I heard lady Yna from the door while I dust of lord Richard's table. "Yes lady Yna" I nodded with my response, "With this minimalist, it is opposite when it comes in his computer and other gadgets" she laughed at her statement. "May I know why lady Yna?" I asked her out of my curiosity, "Rick loves games and due o that his computer has a lot of it in it and so does his other gadgets" after answering she opened lord Richard's computer o show me how clutter it is.

After lady Yna showed it to me she turned it off "Come down after what you are doing there" she left a smile as she exits the room. I continued to tidy his room by sweeping the floor after dusting, that is when I noticed someone outside when I came across to the only window of he room that is directly facing the street.

Seeing a familiar face I went down with the damp cloth and broom I am using upstairs and went outside. "Are you Judita?" I quickly asked as I went outside of the gate.

Lady Yna followed me as she saw the woman I am talking with she walked behind me and whispers, "Do you know her?" she asked. "Yes lady Yna" I paused "The highest-ranking archer, crowned the goddess of the moon" I told her making the other woman laugh. "Yes this is me Adelina" Judita confirmed my question. "Glad seeing you Adelina" Judita stated as she hugged me. "Judita when did you arrived? You suddenly vanished in our world making Viola worried" I told her, "This and that happened but I will tell you the details later" she said. "Let us go for now, your summoner is waiting for you" as she said that lady Yna pulled me back in the house. "I will come with you" she said as she dials someone in her phone and said that she will be late. Right after that I wen back outside and called Judita to come inside bu she refused. "Let us hurry" lady Yna said as I proceed to the dining area and together with her I quickly eat as well.

Good thing we both finished taking baths already so we just changed our clothes and went back to Judita. "Shall we go now?" Judita smiled as lady Yna finished locking the house.


Richard's POV


"Just wait a little bit" Sandy told me as I drink from my float. "I am waiting here" after saying that I took a french fry then I heard some one behind me "So you are not in prison". I turned around and saw Yna standing beside Adelina "Yes babe, thanks to her" I pointed to Sandy and a lady is standing behind her as well.

"Now everyone is here how about let us go down with business" Sandy smiled as Yna and Adelina sat beside me and the other lady sat beside Sandy. "I am Sandy Salazar, also a champion summoner, and this is my champion Judita" Sandy introduced her to us as she gently bows her head. "I am Judita Jicha, an archer champion" after saying that Judita smiled to us. "I am Richard Miller, a champion summoner and this is my champion Adelina" I introduced Adelina to them as she bows. "I am Adelina Olmi, a soldier champion" she smiled to them, "And this is my girlfriend" I introduced Yna to them. "Shayna Bautista" she told them her name making Adelina look at her. "Oh right you don't know yet my full name Amy" she laughed making the others join her.


"How about let us team up Richard" Sandy smiled making me wonder what is with her proposal. "Why?" Yna asked her, "Because we are hunting a foe" Sandy answered her then pauses. "And I think it is coming to us right now" Sandy smiled with a very peaceful way making Yna and Adelina alarmed.

So she is also a champion summoner, that is nice to know. But what is with this team up proposal? I think something bad is about to hit all of us.

When suddenly we heard a very loud growl from above. "Judita!" Sandy stood up and shouted Judita's name making her nod as her body starts to glow with a blinding light. "She changed into her battle attire lord" Adelina stated as the light fades Judita is in a different garment already with a bow in her hand.

 "She changed into her battle attire lord" Adelina stated as the light fades Judita is in a different garment already with a bow in her hand

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