A selfish act

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I got a call from Yna, saying that she left my house and will be heading to the hospital already, that means she won't be able to visit me again for she will be very busy and needs to live in her apartment. Still fascinated on how the library ended up made me want to work in a quick phase today so that I could check it for myself but I will be needing Adelina if I would check that place again. While thinking about all of this library incident stuff. Something also hit my mind and that is I should also look on how Adelina can have her own life and cope in our world.

As time passes by I kept on checking my phone for any messages that came from Yna making me wonder if she saw or heard the news about the library.

I think It is better to call her right now.

I went to the fire exit as I dial her number for the first try but she wasn't able to answer it, as I stand and waits if she will call back I sat on the 4th step and started to become impatient. So I dialed her number again hoping that she will finally answer my call. Luckily it passed through, as fast as she answered I greeted her first hand and asked if she was busy and she confirms she is not anymore.

"How are you now?" - Richard

"Trying to be alright babe" - Yna

"How about you?" - Yna

"Just bored here" - Richard

"You heard about the news?" - both coincidentally asked at the same time

"So you also heard it" - Richard

"Yes babe and that made me remember" - Yna starts to cry before she was able to finish her words.

"I know that is why I wanted to check you out babe" - Richard

"Thank you so much" - Yna

"Hey babe do you have any idea how we could make Adelina cope in our world?" - Richard

"That is what I was also thinking since morning" - Yna

"Do you know anyone who could fake some details about her?" - Richard

"We can fake her birth certificate, diplomas up to high school and some other information about her" - Yna

"But if you want to make her a part of our society she must be eligible to work so she needs to go on some sort of seminar or some courses for certificates" - Yna

"So we need to enroll her?" - Richard

"Yes, we must" - Yna

"You handle her studies" - Yna

"I will handle her data" - Yna

"But that would be costing me a lot" - Richard

"You are the one who can spend money on his own free will remember?" - Yna

Something suddenly hit my head and caused me to go excited.

"That's the answer! Free will!" - Richard

"What?" - Yna was shocked

"Let me explain you" I explained her about the good willed and bad willed beasts and how I was able to summon Adelina.

"So because of your selfishness and free will you where able to summon a champion?" - Yna

"Yes babe, remember how you complain about me being happy-go-lucky?" - Richard

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