chapter 13: surprised

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I walked to my room and walked to the door, slowly knocking on the door. No answer. I opened the jet black door and to my surprise the whole room was just like I wished it to be but better. I examined every corner with a careful eye. What I didn't realise at the time is they filled my wardrobe with clothes that were both fashionable and my size but I was to amazed to realise that they knew without me telling them. I laid down on the fluffy white sheets sighing at how comfortable they were. I pulled on my sports gear and headed to the gym.

Lifting weights and yoga was my main exercise. I swapped over to a punch bag hitting and punching until my knuckles turned red with scars. The time flew past and before I knew it lunch I was gonna skip but my stomach growled and screamed for food. So I did what my body demanded again Garret and Phillip were sitting down next to each other holding different pieces of paper in there hands. "What's happening yo!" I screamed sitting down on the cold metal they both looked at me grinning "guess what we found!" Phillip was very excited to see my reaction to the papers "What is this?" I asked looking at the individual pieces of paper. They were stories. "J.D's fanfic!" Garret couldn't stop laughing. They had different titles and story lines but the same characters. My favourites where: Hiro x Danse medieval, Hiro x Danse Yandere,  Hiro x Danse death bed and Hiro x Danse Drunk. I took them two ;).

For the rest of lunch we sat and talked until lunch hour was up and we went back to our duties. I was helping the rookies with aiming and combat until a nurse came running in with a scared look on her face "Hiro, You need to come with me Immediately!" she screamed pulling my arm I followed her into the infirmary. A man was laying down there with multiple scars and bullet holes. "h..Hiro," He spoke "Your here!" Danse's speech was cut and slow "I got shot and stabbed by raiders, " I walked next to him "shh I know I know I can tell," I lifted his head up to mine. His caramel locks were bouncing everywhere I ran my fingers through each curl and wave "Jeremy," I said trying to remember what he wrote in his stories "You may be hurt and broken but you need to know not even death will keep us apart, If you die I will lose a part of me and I'll never forgive myself for what happened to you," wrapping my arms around his neck  "Death can't keep us apart, how have you got your hands on my fanfiction?" He smiled and his lime eyes shone. "He can't go out anymore and will be recovering in his room will you help him to there?" the doctor said cleaning his surgical supplies. I nod helping Danse out of the bed and into his own. "Thanks Hiro you've always been a help I can't ever repay you enough," He smirked again I swear that smirk is gonna kill me! I brushed his hair back showing his entire face. "Jeremy, you need to get some rest. Goodnight baby," slowly, I kissed his forehead and left the room for him to sleep Noah looked at me I stared into his icy blue eyes I ignored him and went back to training the rookies.

After my work shift was done I went to see Danse. Normally that part of the boat was empty but a whole group of girls were crowding around the door with Noah trying to keep them in line "HIRO PLEASE HELP PLEASE!" he screamed "What do they want?" I couldn't help but laugh at his struggling face, he growled and I held it in "They want J.D they heard he got it and these are his fan girls!" Noah continued holding back the crazy girls. "GIRLS! JEREMY IS SICK DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DISTURB YOUR SLEEPING BEUTY?!" that was enough to make half of them back off "OMIGOD THAT'S THE LUCKY GIRL!" one screamed buzzing with excitement "PLEASE TELL US HOW YOU GOT HIM TO NOTICE YOU!" Two others screamed before I knew it all of them were screaming at me "UHM I UHMM,  girls I need to go see J.D so please come see me at a more convienent time." I said loud enough for all the girls to back off to their own room. Noah sighed and fell on the sofa pulling out his agenda for the day "Well, I need to help out a settlement I need to dash take care of him for me?" He asked while I nodded. He smiled and ran out.

I knocked on Danse's door, no answer he was probobly asleep so i just let my self in. "J.D you okay?" I whispered opening the door "I just came here quickly because I need to go on a recon mission so I hope you get better. Oh and also you have a lot of girls wanting to see if your okay ha," I pat his head standing up to go get ready for my mission "W...wait. Can't you stay?" he voice was deep and croaky, like he had the worst cold ever "Sorry, I need to go check on a few settlements and after that I need to go clear out some buildings filled with gorals and mutants and Muts and you need to sleep." I whispered and helped him back into bed. He smiled and waved me goodbye as I walked out.

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