chapter 7: Runaway

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I wake up to the sound of intense voices from far away, I gather all my items and shoot off. I'd thought that I had outran them until a laser bullet had hit my leg. It had hit me in the thigh. I was in so much pain that I couldn't run. Slowly, I crawled to a cave hidden by a curtain of leaves and tended to my wound. As if bad luck hadn't tortured me enough, I didn't realise it before it came out. Growling and screeching. A deathclaw came running at me full speed. It's sharp claws went for my face and struck me in my right eye. Luckily, it didn't damage my eyesight but the space around it was torn. It pushed me out of its home and that push lead me head first into a rock. Blood started to trickle down my face and I felt dizzy. I picked my self up and stumbled into a forest, I was tired, breathless. "she went this way!" I heard another voice, he sounded more serious. Without a thought I fell to the floor bowing to the fate. "I give up!" I cried "I'm giving up, just let me die! l..let me die," It felt like every second was like a hour. I stared into the near night sky, did I really spend that long running from people? I heard the voices from afar and just laid down on the charred earth and started humming to myself. I put on a light projecting at its highest and sigh. 

How had my life come to this? An aspiring writer laying down her life for death to step all over me. In the distance there was a group of people in power armour, mini guns and all. Why would they have that getup unless  to take deadly aim.  I stood up against a mountain, I laid all of my things in my inventory on the ground and held my arms in the air. I waited five minuets only for the people to shine blaring white lights in my eyes which started to cry. I dropped to my knees and balled my eyes out, "Is this her?" asked a small suit, "Does she meet the criteria?" A few nods and mumbles later they shoved shackles on my wrists, tied chains around my neck and dragged my along while the small ones collected my things and shoved them into a bag. "I'm not a dog you don't have to treat me like one!" I screamed but he only pulled harder. 

After endless miles of silent torture we got up to an abandoned airport, surprisingly it didn't look that different to a perfect airport except from the rust and dirt. We walked up to a fighter helicopter and the master pushed me in. "What are you going to do huh, hold me from my hair and beg me for you to save me?" He grunted and signeled to the pilot. We were flying really high in the sky, i was actually really scared but i can't show it. Will they throw me out of this airplane and kill me? If they do ill be happily living in heaven.

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