chapter 11: Recognised

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I wake up long before Danse luckily his grip had loosened overnight. Scrambling out of the bed I got dressed and start to write a note thanking him about last night, describing when he pulled me in. Suddenly, I remembered how Noah treated me last night. Do I really want to ruin there relationship? I left that part out. As I was finishing the letter, I heard quiet mumbles from behind me. The mumbles were quiet but still audible. I thought it was just something to brush over but he mentioned my name a couple times. I turn around to see a half-asleep Danse, smiling and snuggling up to a big pillow (about my size.) "Hiwo!" he giggled. "Danse are you okay?" I whispered poking him, his muscles were tensed and his forehead was burning up. "Hiwo, I wuv you! I wuv you more than anything else in the world. I will kill anyone who hurts you or get's in my way!" I didn't know if I should laugh or be scared but I couldn't give up a golden opportunity, I pressed record on my pip-boy and focused on his blushed face. "I will wuv you until we die! NO even more of that!" He squished the pillow even more "Please let me." Danse started kissing the pillow. I zoomed in on his blushing face but at that moment Danse opened his eyes to see a pip-boy camera in his face.

"ahhhh!" He screamed. I just couldn't hold it in anymore, I burst out laughing falling on to the bed. "how much did you see?" Danse asked nervously, I pulled up the video and put it full screen, loud volume and the focus was perfect. Danse pulled away, embarrassed by what he saw. "I uhm had a weird dream?" he smirked "So, you had a dream of me and it's weird. Wait why were you saying that you loved me?" I questioned his words thinking back to when he pulled me in. "I uhm I..." Interrupting my interrogation Noah came bursting through. He walked in when I was laying down of Danse's bed WITH DANSE.I can only imagine what he was thinking then. "hey J.D we got a security for you," laughed Noah. Danse grunted and walked out of the room leaving me and Noah together. I just sighed and walked to the bathroom to brush my hair "w...wait!" screamed Noah "I want to apologise for what I did yesterday, Y'know the slap and all. That weren't me I was wasted and high on crack." He looked at me sympathetically. "you'll haft to give me time, what you did was horrible," with those words spoke I walked to the toilet and got ready for the day.

I stared into the mirror, looking at my scar. At first I was scared by my reflection but after minuets of staring I got used to it. I brushed my hair scraped it into a ponytail, got changed and packed up to leave. I was a few steps away from leaving before a guard walked up to me "hey, you need to go to the general, Instantly!" his voice was sharp and thick. Sighing, I stropped of to the main deck. "yo man. I've been told to come see ya an-" I stormed onto the main deck with an attitude. "I can't put this is words, I've never really been able to but ill be blunt. Do you want to join the Brotherhood," the general stood there stone faced "I uhm what would I be in the ranks?" I asked excitedly. "we've seen your expertise and you are beyond the skills we could ever teach, so at least top solider. 5 below general and one below commander." I stood in awe "I would be honered to! I won't disappoint, general."

A guard led me to a room with punching bags and weights next a weapons room next the cafeteria. The last room, he led me to a room with a black door and a gold handle. He opened the door and the room had a king sized bed stripped down to the mattress, white walls. It was bear and empty "On the desk you can design your room, you have two hours at most so you better get started." he closed the door. I sat myself down and got to work. Black walls and one whiteboard wall with loads of notebooks art and writing equipment.

I was in my zone until I was startled by loud knocking. "Times up go get breakfast and we'll start your room," The decorator ushered me out of the room, Danse was busy so I walked down to the cafeteria. 

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