Found him!

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Third POV (realized not many third view writing) in the air with the gang

The gang was flying around the archipelago after hearing from Trader Johann (got it right!) about dragon fights, and a Night Fury in those fights. Johann gave the location (how do u suppose he got that info? S5) and the riders we're flying there at their fastest. "Hey are we sure he is even there?" Snotlout asked the co-leader.
"How could he not be. We've checked everywhere else" Tuffnut said stating the somewhat obvious.
"Stay focused" Astrid told them.
"Hey so what's the plan anyway?" Dagur asked hoping it was something crazy, but that wouldn't hurt Hiccup.
"We will be in groups, one will distract the audience and hunters, while the others will find and rescue Hiccup and the dragons, the other group will lift up the area bars letting the dragons free and giving us a chance to escape" Astrid told the gang also explaining the groups and which will do what.
"Got it Astrid" Fishlegs told her, ready to help in anyway he can.

{time skip}
The gang made it to the island and started the attack. Astrid, Dagur and the twins went to the back of the island, while Heather, Fishlegs and Snotlout awaited a signal to attack. The twins took care of the guards outside and Dagur took care of the guards inside while Astrid looked for Hiccup, he was in the last cage closest to the fighting ring, but where was the Night Fury? Astrid got Hiccup on Stormfly. (Toothless is on Edge, literally) The other group started their attack letting every dragon free, not knowing where the Night Fury was. After the attack the gang went home.

{time skip}
Astrid landed on the Edge first letting Gothi take him, Toothless was flipping out once he saw Astrid and Hiccup, letting Gobber and Stoick know that they were back.
"Astrid was a Night Fury there?" Fishlegs asked her.
"No, there wasn't" Astrid told him.
"Guess Johann slipped up on that information" Heather told them, as knowing Johann he would sometimes slip on info almost always getting the riders almost killed. Though all of them didn't know Johann didn't slip on information and they did get the two things they were looking for.

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