AN/mini update

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Update is coming soon. ';flashback;'
AN: alright here is what u need to know it's summer and I kinda do this thing where I do my own thing a lot. Also I have been a little busy because I have had iron infusions, basically I am low on an element called iron in my blood that is vital (important extreme) to making red blood cells so liquid iron is put into my blood stream through a tube to help me make more blood cells, and for my other books I have rough drafts on paper that I haven't put yet on wattpad.
Now to the mini update!
Many years ago.
';A young black haired girl stayed sitting knees under her in a grassy field with yellow flowers scattering the field with color. The girl was wearing a short black long sleeved dress reaching a small ways past her hips with black pants that strayed just above her knees, her small black boots going to her ankles brown eyes bright and alive as she heard her name being called by her big brother.
"Azea!" A boy with rugged auburn hair and forest green eyed boy yelled running through the field. He wore a red long sleeved shirt and brown pants and boots came running towards her. A belt with quiver full of arrows and a bow arched on his back a sword hilt on his side, he was skinny but fast, he was not even out of breath as he caught up to her.
"Yes big brother?" The girl asked him, curious as to why he was calling her.
"Come on let's head back to the village, father is waiting for us back home." He told her. As within in a second images flashed of burning village buildings, invaders, and the boy lying lifeless on the ground.;'
Azea's eyes flashed open in shock and fear of the memories, accidentally giving Hiccup a small shock of pain when he was flying with the gang.
"You okay Hiccup?" Astrid asked him.
"Yea I'm okay" Hiccup said to Astrid looking up with a small smile.

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