find you || osh

807 16 87

member : sehun

type : slight humor | fluff

traits / qualities : tracker sehun x target reader

»But I never really know just where to find you«


Sehun's POV

"Ew, no."

My group members sighed at my response while I stayed firm, crossing my arms.

"Can we change your no?"

"First of all," I sat up. "It was ew, no, get it right. And next, why would I say something if I didn't mean it or my words would be changed under another circumstance?" I raised a brow.

"See, and boss wonders why I hate working with you."

"ExCuSe yOu," I snapped my fingers at him. "You all can't even remember my birthday properly so how do you expect for me to give you the love and attention you all crave?"

"We don't crave any."

"At least, not from you."

They went off to let out their small snickers and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm doing a solo mission this time, you all are so pathetic sometimes, gosh," I ran a hand through my hair as I leaned back.

"GoSh seHUn juSt gEt oVer YoUrsElF!"

"HoW bOuT I dOnT?"

We all burst into laughter, cracking up over the foolish moments we'd have together as a team and I stood up.

"But really, I think I should go solo for the first time," I announced, the team's eyes on me.

"I don't want you hurt."

"Break a leg!"

The room fell silent between the two members contrasting mindsets at once.

"I think you should go with your gut. Our work has so much of our instinct that shows through, and no matter what, we always will support you," a smile was given from a member as I nodded.

"Unless we're broke. Then we'll be too poor to support you and then we'll toss you on the streets," another member adding on, getting smacked on the back of the head.

"We're there whenever you need us."

I grinned, happy that they were supportive of my idea, and prepared to help in any way I may need.

"MY bAbY bOi is GrOwiNg uP!"

"Please stop calling him your baby boy, how many times have I told yo-"

"HEs sO gRoWn Up whAt A mAN hE iS becOmInG!"

"Not this again," I groaned, leaving the room before I could get dragged back.


Where to find you.

"Well that sure didn't work out."

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