This Isn't How Our Story Ends.

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"Well Miss Blaze, you're all fixed up. I gotta say, it was very reckless of you and the others to face Damien alone. Good job." Coulson said patting my shoulder. He walked to the doorway and paused. "Oh and welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D." On that note he left the room.

I hopped off the examination table and saw Ash walk in.

"How ya feeling flamethrower?" She asked leaning against the wall.

"OK for someone who was stabbed, had an out of body experience, and met their dead grandmother." I laughed which she returned.

"Well I'm glad. Coulson said you're joining S.H.I.E.L.D?" She asked folding her arms with a smile.

"Yeah and I was hoping you'd join with me?" Ash smiled and nodded.

"Besides... who else is gonna make bets with Aurora?" She sassed. I rolled my eyes playfully shoving her. "By the way, give loverboy a chance. He really likes you." I gave a small nod leaving the room.

I made my way down the hall seeing a lone beer bottle on a table. I couldn't help but smile softly. I grabbed it hiding it under my jacket making my way to Aurora's room. Once there, I saw her reading a book on speaking French. I knocked on the door frame earning a look from her.

"Can I come in?" I asked as she gave me a nod. I walked in and pulled the bottle out.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Is that a...?" I gave a nod while she glanced back and forth between me and the bottle. "What? No comment about me not drinking at 16? No snatching it away? What's your angle hot head?"

"No angle. You earned it." She smirked and levitated the bottle out my hand.

"Thanks." She said taking a swig.

"Don't mention it or get used to it." I said walking away.

I walked down the hall seeing my dad there.

"I'm proud of you firefly." He said pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back but tilted my head a little.

"For what?"

"You did what you felt best. I know you never asked for this and I didn't make it easy on you at first. I should've told you when you had your first accident. I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known I was going be born with it and I learned to live with it. Besides I did choose to come back."

My dad smiled and hugged me so tight. "I love you Kyla."

"I love you too dad but I'm losing oxygen..." I teased on account his grip was so tight.

"Sorry." He quickly said letting go. "I'm going back to Texas tomorrow but if you need anything. You know I'm here for you. Oh and never forget. Ride fast. Ride hard. R-"

"Ride strong." I finished with a smile.

"Yeah..." He smiled and patted my shoulder while we walked away. I sighed softly walking outside seeing Robbie with a wide grin leaning against his car. Typical.

"So...the Angel of Justice huh?" He said stepping closer to me.

"Yeah. Apparently comes from my choice." I replied looking at him.

"Choice? You almost bled to death. You call that a choice?" Robbie asked in a ranty tone.

"I don't get you sometimes you know that? I don't envy you though. I do know how I feel about you." I said looking at him.

"And how do you feel?" He asked.

I smiled and took a step forward kissing him softly. I could feel the initial shock when he tensed up a little but his arms found their way around my waist. We stayed like this for a while when he pulled away.

"Guess that answers my question." He said wearing a goofy grin.

"Oh stuff it Reyes." I laughed looking at him. I could feel my eyes changing earning a stare from Robbie. "What?"

"Your eyes. They're flashing blue." He said I looked at his mirror seeing just that.

'I may be an angel but I can still make your transformations painfully obvious.' The rider's voice echoed in my mind as a blinked my eyes back to normal.

"Wanna go for a drive?" Robbie asked holding his keys.

"Sure." I answered getting into the car.

I waited as he got in the drivers side. He sighed and looked at me. "Anywhere specific?"

"Nah... let's just drive." I said as he started the engine. I glanced at my reflection seeing my eyes flash blue when the car moved. I watched slightly as everything became a blur.

I may not know everything about my curse or what I am, but I do know one thing. As long as innocent blood is spilled. As long as someone needs to serve their penance. I'll be ready to ride in.

The end.

Author's note: Soooo.... we've hit the final chapter for this book. First and foremost I'd like to thank all of you for reading, commenting and voting it honestly kept me so motivated to keep this story going. And as the title says, this isn't how our story ends. I have made the cover for the sequel and already started drafting the first chapter. This is by far the shortest chapter ever but goes on. Thank you all again I truly couldn't have done this without you guys. Also above is another gif of Robbie because why not? 😂


Unholy Angel: A Next Gen Marvel Story [Completed: Revising]Where stories live. Discover now