Night Job

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I don't know how I got here. I only know the extent of my curse. My grandmother had it. My father has it. I have it. They say this curse comes with a heavy price. A price no sane person would ever pay. I never asked for this. I only learned to live with it.

   "Hey Kyla! 'Nother round?" A regular called from the end of the bar. With a sigh, I poured the tequila into the tiny cup and handed it to him. "Here you go." He raised his glass as a way to thank me chugging it down in the span of five seconds. I nodded with a fake polite smile. Once I turned around I rolled my eyes. I hate dealing with drunk people. Then again it's my job. I can't escape it. The rest of the night when on like this. I see them all. The cheating lovers. The aggressive fights and the ones too far gone that I have to call an uber or something for them. I don't get why people like to be out at 2:00 AM I don't entirely care. I guess it's like a game of Clue find out who dunnit. Whatever "it" is.

    After another grueling hour, the last guy left.

    "Some night huh Ky?" Donnie asked while I was wiping down the bar off dried liquor and vomit.

    "It's not any different then most nights Donnie. Just drunk people with nothing else to do." I said still wiping the bar down. He sighed and took the rag out of my hand. "I was doing my job Donnie."

    "You're also being a smart ass. You're a good bartender Kyla but you have the worst mouth." He said with a frown. I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm serious Kyla. The main reason you even have this job, is because your dad asked me to take care of you."

I rolled my eyes at his comment. My father. I love him with all my heart. I really do. For most of our lives it was just the two of us. When I left Texas to go to Los Angeles, dad sent me to Donnie's to work as a bartender. This has been the last three years of my life.

"You sound like a broken record Donnie. I know my dad asked you to take care of me but I'm 21 I can handle myself."

Donnie looked at me then sighed. "I'll finish cleaning you go home. Get some rest." I raised an eyebrow at him. He never lets me go early. "You heard me. Get." He said with a chuckle. I smiled as I got out from behind the bar.

"Thanks Donnie." I said as I gave him a side hug.

"Yeah. Yeah don't get use to it." He said laughing. I grabbed my bag and made my way to my bike. Being outside in L.A. at 3:00 AM is arguably one of the most dangerous things to do here but my other job takes that fear from me. I rode away from the bar not really thinking about much. Just riding hoping to find some peace. My apartment isn't that far but I take a back way. Just in case my second job calls. "Help!" A voice called. I quickly punched the gears on my bike and drove to the direction of the voice. I could feel my eyes changing. My surroundings becoming a blur. Everything just changing. I felt myself heat up as I stopped my bike in front of a building. The ground crunched as I turned facing a window. I wasn't Kyla anymore. No. I was her.

"Give me the bag!" A male voice demanded. The girl whimpered not wanting to say anything that could set off the man. I walked up to him with a fire in my eyes. He was guilty of spilling innocent blood. I could sense it. The girl looked at me scared making the girl turn as well. I pointed to the girl hoping she would get the hint to get out while she still could.

"Thanks." the girl said. I nodded going back to the guy. He had a panicked look on his face. He took his switchblade and stabbed me. Brilliant. I looked at the knife in my chest and pulled it out melting it in my hand. He looked at me more freaked than ever. I grabbed him pinning his back to the wall. "Hey you skeleton freak! Put me down!" I shook my head my instincts kicking in.

"You have the blood of the innocent on your hands. Look into my eyes. Feel their pain." I told him as he started freaking out. I could see what he had done. Murder, theft, assault. The list went on. After I was done, his body fell to the ground with charred rock where his eyes use to be. As I walked back to my bike, the change began again. The fire gone. I was me again.

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