Deals, Deals, and More Deals

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We all watched as the guy made his way to an empty barstool. He sat down as I walked up to him.

"What'll it be." I asked.

"Jack and coke sweetheart." He said with a grin. I rolled my eyes at the nickname. Sweetheart. He can't be serious. I began to make his drink when another voice called from across the room.

"Damien Walters." The guy looked across the room while I did the same only to see Donnie outside his office standing there with his arms folded. I served the drink as the guy, who I've now discovered is named Damien, took a swig of the drink. He set it down and turned to Donnie with a grin.

"Donnie Andrews."

Donnie walked up to the bar. "To what do I owe the displeasure?"

Damien let out a light chuckle. "Just wanted to check out the place. You know for when I takeover." Donnie rolled his eyes.

"Right...I already told your daddy I'm not selling." Damien took another swig and set the cup down again.

"Which is why he sent me. I tend to be more...persuasive. Especially when it comes to nice beauties like your bartender here." I snorted at his lewd tone.

"Sorry I only work for Donnie." I said leaning over the counter slightly.

"Hmmm feisty. I like her." He said reaching towards my hair. I slapped his hand away as he bore a grin that made me uneasy. "Temper. Temper." He teased. "Now, Donnie. I get it. You've worked hard to build this place. My dad gets it too. He just wants to make it bigger."

Donnie rolled his eyes shaking his head. "By 'bigger' you mean tear down the place and make it into a condo or some sort of office building."

Damien chuckled. "Possibly but I mean my dad has offered a large sum of money. I'm sure anyone would appreciate such a nice space."

"He said he's not selling." I said interrupting the conversation.

"It's alright Ky." Donnie said raising his hand at me. He then took a step forward towards Damien. "As for you, I don't want you or your father's dirty money. Making a deal with him is like making a deal with the devil. I don't like that. Then you a spoiled brat walks in here like you own the place. On top of that you harass one of my employees. And I really didn't like either of those things. Now. Son of Satan. Get your high and mighty ass out of my bar."

Damien let out a sigh and dropped a twenty on the counter. "Alright, to be continued then." He said winking at me.

"You're a dollar short." I said.

He smirked and put down a five. "That should cover it sweetheart." He stood up looking back at Donnie "I'll be back." I rolled my eyes as he walked out.

"What a prick." Aurora said reaching for his half empty glass which I immediately pulled away. She frowned and flipped me off.

"You maybe be my 'boss' but you're still underage." I said with a small amount of assertion. I looked at Donnie. "Who was that?" He let out a breath.

"That, Kyla was Damien Walters."

"Who?" I asked.

"Damien Martin Walters the third. Age: 23 born and raised in Beverly hills. Father owns a lot of buildings throughout Los Angeles but has recently set his sights on local businesses in East L.A." Daisy said rather quickly. We all looked at her surprised. "What? You asked a question and I got your answer. It's called hacking. You're welcome."

"It's also called Google." Aurora said sarcastically. Daisy frowned slightly at her comment.

"I knew that guy looked familiar." Robbie said earning confused looks from everyone. Even Daisy. "He's been going to Canelo's shop for the last six months. Keeps offering Canelo the pretty penny for his shop but Canelo is the same way. He won't sell."

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