Troublesome life and snakes

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Harry Potter had a troublesome life. His parents died when he was but a baby and when given to his only living relatives, the Dursleys, they took him to the nearest orphanage. They knew full well who the boy was and what took him in entailed. The orphanage in question was none other than the newly rebuilt Wool's Orphanage.

But the strangest things were the random happenings. Harry got angry at dinner once and made all the cutlery fly up into the ceiling. During one particular incident, which involved some extreme bullying by a new member of the orphanage, towards Harry. It had ended with the boy going flying out of the top window and dying on impact with the floor. After that, there were no more incidents of bullying.

Two months after Harry's first murder, a snake appeared and, as there are a lot of kids, it was attacked by the orphans. Bad idea. They were all thrown fifteen feet back by an enraged Harry.
Harry was very fond of snakes and went straight to it.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh! A speaker! Yes, I am okay."


"Yes. You are talking in the ancient language of snakes, Parseltongue."

By now the kids all looked absolutely terrified.

"What's your name, snake?"

"I have none. You may name me if you'd like."

Harry pondered for a moment, taking in the reptile's appearance. It was a black snake with bright green eyes, like his hair and eyes. A Northern Black Racer?

 A Northern Black Racer?

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"How about Onyx?"


"It's the shade of black your scales are."

"I like it. What is your name speaker?"


"Well Harry,  would you like to be my master, or rather my owner?"

"Ok, then Onyx."

"Hold still then. I need to create a bond between us."


"A familiar bond. We will be able to speak telepathically and will have a sense of each other's whereabouts. I create the bond by injecting you with a nontoxic variant of my venom, which will complete the bond."

Harry SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now