First Day of Lessons

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Hadrian woke up and walked over to the boy's first-year dorm. He knocked and waited patiently until someone answered. After five minutes, Hadrian opened the door. There was Draco, Crabble, Goyle and Blaise in there, all asleep. The room looked like this:

Hadrian walked over to Draco's bed and gently shook him awake

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Hadrian walked over to Draco's bed and gently shook him awake.
"Hey, Draco! We've got to go to breakfast to get our timetables."

Draco was slightly annoyed at being woken up, but when Hadrian told him it was already 7:30, he rushed to get ready.
As they rushed into the Great Hall and took their seats, Professor Snape handed them their timetables.

As they rushed into the Great Hall and took their seats, Professor Snape handed them their timetables

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