Yule and the Diadem

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A/N - This will be in Hadrian's POV to change stuff around a bit.


I woke up on the 25th of December feeling no different than any other day. Christmas, or Yule as the Wizards call it, is never any different. No presents and a trash day. Just stealing other people's toys and whatnot for my collection. 

This year was different.

I woke to the sound of Sal's portrait shouting at me.

"There are people on the other side of the door, Hadrian."

I got up and, casting a quick Tempus to see what time it is - 8:45 AM, opened the door to see Draco. He and I were the only ones to stay over the holidays. Me because of obvious reasons, and Draco because he didn't want me to be alone.

"Can you not wait until at least noon?" I complained to him.

"Oh, shut it. You got some presents!"

I was quite startled at this. Usually, I don't get presents. But now I guess I'm not at the orphanage anymore. I followed Draco to the common room where - sure enough - there were two stacks of presents. Draco's was, naturally, taller than mine but I don't care.

"There's some from mother and father, some from our friends and I think that small, rectangular one was from Quirrel, not sure why though. And, of course - one from me," Draco said. I knew why Quirrell sent me a present though. It's from my Father.

I first opened the ones from the Malfoys. They gave me a guidebook on different dark curses, a new Acromantula Silk sweater with heating charms and a Pureblood Etiquette Guidebook. From Draco, I got a new Broom service kit and some assorted sweets.

From Blaise, I got a Deluxe Chocolate Frog box, which was fifty different frogs.
From Crabble, I got a potions kit refill.
From Goyle, I got a new black cloak with a green trim.
From Pansy, I got a golden wristwatch. (Yes it works in Hogwarts cus it's enchanted gears.

The package from Quirrell was the most intriguing. It was a small journal with a letter.

This book is my first Horcrux. I need you to keep it safe until summer, which will be when we do the resurrection ritual. I also require you to collect;
- A vial of your blood,
- Ravenclaw's diadem (check Room of Requirements),
- Two vials of Basilisk venom (ask Salazar)
Once you have all these items, keep them secure with the book in a place NO ONE can get to other than you until the summer.
PS: Do not write in the book!

"It's from my father, this one," I told Draco.

"Why'd it say from Quirrel then?"

"Probably because he's got father on the back of his head."

"WHAT?" Draco shouted.

"Oh, yeah. His Horcruxes caused him to become some sort of possession wraith when he was killed by Dumbles and is currently possessing Quirrell."


--Time Skip--

It was currently midnight and I was under a strong disillusionment charm I learned over the week after getting Father's letter.

I was sneaking out to get the items for father's ritual. Tonight I will be getting the Unicorn hair and my blood. Simple enough. I cut my palm and let it bleed into a vial I took from my set and quickly healed my hand and stoppered it.

The unicorn hair will be hard but Father said he was using the beasts' blood to keep himself alive on Quirrell so I am just going to follow him out tonight and take a hair.

I can see him leaving the castle now from my hiding spot at the front doors. I followed him to the Forrest and found one of the dead things. I took a hair and put it in a separate vial.

---Time Skip---

I'm standing on the seventh-floor corridor, opposite the tapestry of some guy teaching trolls to dance where the Room of Requirements supposedly is. The house elves told me that if I walk past this wall three times whilst thinking what I need, then it will appear. Sure...

I started pacing, thinking, 'I need to find Ravenclaw's diadem. I need to find Ravenclaw's diadem. I need to find Ravenclaw's diadem.'

Sure enough, the door materialised into the wall. Once I opened it, I realised something. The room was huge with probably thousands of different items. I used a point me spell to try to locate it but it didn't work. It just made my wand spin in my hand. I began searching for the diadem which, after speaking to father, I knew was in a dark blue crown box.

 I began searching for the diadem which, after speaking to father, I knew was in a dark blue crown box

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I spent a good three hours looking for it (good job it was Saturday!). I found a black cabinet that looked broken, three chickens in a gilded cage, two bloody turtles and a partridge in a pear tree. But no blue box!

--time skip--

I spent another three minutes just looking around until I gave up and as I was waking out of the room, I saw it. It was just sat on a table and the Diadem was inside.

"GOD DAMMIT!" I screamed. 

At least I found it. All that's left is to ask Sal about the basilisk. I'll do that tomorrow.


PS: Drarry

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