Chpter 2

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"Sorry" Matt said in a whisper "What are you doing in the back hallway anyway? He added
"trying to avoid the crowd"
"Yeah me too,well I'll see you around"
"Yeah" I said as I was walking off
"Wait! I didn't catch your name." He yelled
"Meredith, my name is Meredith"
"Do you know where Mrs.Coopers class is?" with a confused look on his face
"This way" *I pointed in the direction I was going*
"I'll walk with you then" with a smirk on his face
And for some reason i had a huge smile on my face and I could tell cause my cheeks were starting to hurt,then I realized that I probably look like a psycho with a big smile on my face looking like I'm going to dump a body in the back of my car and drive to Alaska. Anyway we walk into the classroom and every single slut starts screaming,and the ear shrieking scream becomes louder when Taylor Caniff walks through the door. I walk around the fake tanned sanks and sit in the seat far away from Matt and Taylor cause I don't really want to be slapped by one of those girls and have scratch marks on my face cause of their artificial nails.
I dose off until a very tan boy with a bandana asks me a question
"Do you know what time it is?
I check my phone and it read 9:04am
"Thanks" he smiled showing he's perfect smile.

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