Finn Balor

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Summary: The reader gets pregnant and decides to tell Finn after he lost his 5th match in a row. Finn's angry and insults and raises his hand and almost hit them so the reader leaves him to think about it. Finn then goes to apologise to the reader and ends in fluff.

"Can things get any worse?" Finn groaned as you sat in front of him shyly. "Well... I'm not sure if this might help, but..." you went off. "What?" Finn replied, bitterly. "I'm... pregnant," you admitted. "PREGNANT!?" Finn yelled. "You think thats's meant to cheer me up! I'm out there, turning into a freakin' jobber and then you want me to lose god knows how many opportunities for your baby?!" Finn burst. You stared at Finn wide eyed. "Finn.. I," You began. "Save it, Y/N. I bet it isn't even mine, you're such a hoe," Finn spat. You looked down. "No I'm not," You muttered. You were never really that confident when Finn was angry. "Yes you goddamn are. You're a filthy, cheating, pathetic little whore," Finn got close to your face and looked you in the eye with disgust.

That was the last straw. Well, kinda. It was what triggered your tears. "I fucking hate you," You mumbled. "What was that?" Finn questioned. "I fucking hate you! I didn't do shit to you and yet you're here calling me names, all because you lost a match. You can call me pathetic but really that's what you are," you snapped.

You didn't know what came over you. You couldn't take half of the things he was saying to you and you could say the part two weeks of your relationship had been unhealthy ever since he began losing and losing. He began taking out his frustrations on you and do you began being more distant from him but he would always find you and yell at you about something. However he did show love sometimes. If he was tired he would come up to you for cuddles and you got along most of the time, it was just different and more sour.

Finn raised his hand and you flinched, putting your hands up in defence. "Babe- I.. wasn't going to hit you.. well I was but.. I didn't.. I can't hurt you," Finn said, his voice much softer. "Forget it, Finn, I'm done," you said before walking out of the door.

Finn felt guilty. He thought about what he called you and couldn't believe it. He was going to be a dad and yet that's how he was treating his wife. He thought about what you had said and nodded his head. "I kinda am. How could I be so stupid?" Finn groaned to himself. He thought about how he'd been treating you over the past two weeks.

"Y/N, hurry up," Finn rushed. "Just a sec, I'm just doing your peas," you replied as you began getting plates out. "You're so damn slow! You're annoying," Finn yelled to you. "Sorry, they're almost done, just around 2 minutes, be patient!" You yelled back. You only yelled so he could here you. "I'm not eating it downstairs, I'm having it in our room," Finn yelled from the top of the stairs. "No," you replied as you turned off the oven. "Yes I am, stop trying to be in control, you're too weak to be in control, you idiot," Finn moaned.

That was only one of the times he'd been nasty to you. He hated himself for it. He felt like such a jerk, which he considered himself to be.

"I gotta apologise," he said to himself again. "She won't accept me," he responded. It was as if he was having a conversation with himself. "But she might. But I've been a prick. She's one of those girls, if she really loves me she'll take me back. No she won't, I did this to myself," Finn didn't know what to do but eventually decided to apologise.

He knocked on the door of your locker room, terrified of the thought of you leaving him forever.

"What do you want?" You spat, opening the door. "Look, baby, I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean anything I said. I've been a real jerk to you and... I hate myself for it, I took advantage of you and your love. It was pathetic, I know and I see that now, I promise I'll love you more and I'll do my best to be the best father I can to our little baby,". You didn't know what to say. You could see how guilty he was by how his eyes gave a pleading look. "I- I... but.. how do I know you've changed?" You questioned. "Baby please, I'll prove it to you, I'll cook tonight, I'll take you out for dinner, I'll run you a nice bath, I'll do anything you want me to do," Finn begged, grabbing your hand with the two of his, holding it close to his chest.  "I guess it can't hurt to give it a try. But don't cook, last time you tried you almost set the house on fire," you smiled at him.

Finn grabbed you and hugged you lightly. He dropped to his knees and lifted your shirt up. He kissed your stomach. "Daddy's going to treat you and mummy/mommy way better," he said. You smiled down at him. "Can't wait to meet you," he told the baby.

He stood back up and pecked your lips. "Well I'll take you out then," he smiled as he put your shirt back down. "I'm okay with that," you giggled. "These cravings are really getting the better of me,"

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