Adam 'Hangman' Page

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"Man, do these guys ever stop arguing?" You asked Marty Scurll, who you could tell was also bored of Kenny and Cody arguing. "Don't think so. Can't they see it's affecting the whole Bullet Club?" Marty replied. "Doesn't seem like it, it's so annoying!" You didn't mean to yell but you did and that caused every eye in the room to turn to you. "Sorry Y/N, but you're not the problem, I'm not trying to annoy you, only tell the so called 'leader' that he's burying Bullet Club," Cody replied, nicely. "I'm heading to Starbucks, you can come if you want, Y/N," Adam offered as he stood up and put his jacket on. "Yeh, sure, Whatever," you replied, bluntly.

You wouldn't have gone if you weren't so frustrated with Kenny and Cody. The thing is you were never yourself around Adam, he just had some kind of affect on you that made you shy and nervous and made you blush quite noticeably. You knew what it was and didn't like it. He was your best friend and you knew that if he found out you had fallen in love with him then it'd ruin your friendship and your friends would tease you about it.

You and Adam left the hotel room and head out of the building into the dark light of the evening.
"When are you going back to do Impact tapings?" Adam asked. "About 2 weeks, I think, what about you and ROH?" You replied, nervously fiddling with your fingers. "Not sure yet....Hey, you okay?" He asked as he noticed your red face. "Huh? Yeh, I'm just... embarrassed after yelling at Cody and Kenny," you nervously lied. The truth was you were blushing because of Adam. "Why? I'm grateful you did it, they're annoying me too, I just want them to get along so that I can believe Cody when he says Bullet Club is fine," Adam admitted. "That's literally how I feel," you replied. "Which way is it again?" Adam asked as you reached a crossroad. "Umm... left I think.." you replied unsurely. "Let's take your word for it, let's go left," Adam declared.

The two of you continued going down the same street before coming to the conclusion that you went the wrong way. "Well. This is embarrassing," you admitted. You felt chills run down your spine when Adam put his hand on your shoulder. He sighed "This really isn't your day then, you keep getting embarrassed," he chuckled. "I-I know.. and umm," you stuttered. "Everything okay?" He asked, concerned. "Y-yeh.. um I-I might just go to the hotel, it's late and Starbucks might not even be open and yeh..." you blushed and untucked your hair from behind your ear. You began walking away when you felt him grab your hand. "Don't go," he stated. "Like you said, it's late. I don't wanna get mugged without someone to watch me kick their idiotic ass," Adam grinned. You chuckled. "I guess but... I can't be near you.. I can't take being near you, I-I mean umm, well I love being with you but I can't be near you and I hate that and like I love being with you but I can't stand being near you as well..." you blurted out, your face growing redder by the minute. "What?" Adam asked, confused. A few passer by's gave you weird looks but you didn't care. All you could think about was how you may have destroyed your friendship with Adam. "Y/N, what do you mean? You hate being near me but you love being near me? That makes no sense!" Adam yelled, but not loudly. "I know but it's hard to explain, I'm just going to go back to the hotel, I don't wanna cause anything," you mumbled before quickly leaving Adam to think about whatever there was to think about.

It was around 3am when you heard a knock on the door of your hotel room. You opened it and saw Hangman Page, in his dressing gown/night robe with only his underwear on underneath. He looked a mess and you could tell he was was exhausted.

"Hey," you greeted tiredly. "Hi, um.. I thought about what you said earlier and it still makes no sense whatsoever," Adam chuckled. You rolled your eyes and invited him in.

He sat on the bed and you sat at the other side far away from him. "Come over here, Y/N/N," Adam told you. You scooted so you were about a foot away from him. He sighed and pulled you all the way next to him. "I don't like it when you're distant," he chuckled again and you were blushing madly. You were basically sat in his arms. You liked it but you had a weird feeling in your stomach. "You're actually really cute, y'know," Adam pointed out. You hid your blush in his chest. "Cuddling, are we?" He asked. "I—I.. Sorry, I just, I- um I," you stuttered. "No, you're actually adorable. You're always so nervous and that's so damn cute," Adam was the one to blush at his comment. "T-thanks," You replied. You yawned and left his arms and climbed into bed. "Awe, tired, lil Y/N. Is she gonna explain to me what she meant earlier?" Adam cooed as he got on his hands and knees and put his head near yours. "It's hard," you sighed. "I've got all night, please, I need to know, it's really annoying me," Adam begged. You sighed again. "WellthetruthisIlikeyouandit'shardtobenearyoubecauseyoumakemegoinsomekindoftranseandIdon'tknowifIloveyou," You blurted out. Adam laughed. "What? I didn't get a word of that, Y/N/N,". You took a deep breath. "Well the truth is I like you and it's hard to be near you because you make me go in some kind of trance and I don't know if I love you," you said slowly, your heart beating like 500MPH during each word.

Adam looked at you shocked. He placed his head on your shoulder and sighed. "I didn't expect that.." he began. "I-I'm Sorry.. Umm.. I can't help my feelings I wish I didn't have them because I-I know that you don't-don't like me back and.. now you probably hate me and I seem like a silly little schoolgirl with a crush on their best friend," you tried to fight back tears as you thought of how bad things would become. "It's okay, Y/N, nothing's gonna be different. And if I have to be honest, I'm glad you told me that. I like you too, I guess love but not positive and don't be so nervous around me, I'm not going to judge you for wanting to hold my hand or something," he said ironically as he intertwined his fingers with yours.

You looked at him shocked. "You like me? But I'm such a weirdo and I always embarrass myself and I embarrass you and everyone else and do so much crazy shit," You told him. "That's what I mean. It's sooo cute, you're like a child but a really beautiful child," he complimented. "Now let's just kiss and go to sleep before this gets anymore cringe," he said as he leaned in towards you lips. You kissed him and it felt as if a 20 tone weight was lifted off your shoulders and fireworks exploded all over your body. Adam tangled his fingers in your hair as he deepened the kiss. You did the same and he ended up on you. He pulled away and gasped for air. "We gonna continue this, baby girl?" He smirked against your neck. "N-nope. I'm tired," you laughed as you flipped on your side, making him fall off of you. "Can I stay, it's too much effort going back to my hotel room?" Adam asked as he stretched himself out. "Fine, just go to sleep," you demanded as you closed you eyes. "You've changed so quickly, baby," Adam pointed out. "Because.. I- I'm tired, *yawns* Okay?" You retorted. "Goodnight, Y/N/N," he told you as he climbed in bed in his underwear. "Night, Hangman," you replied as he spooned you. "We're moving very fast by the way," Adam laughed. "Oh well, things will change later, now let me sleep," you whined. "Okay, Okay, goodnight," Adam said and closed his eyes and hurried his face in your neck.

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