Matt Taven (request)

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"Okay then, Shavannah. Suit yourself," Matt sighed and left me in his and Nick's locker room. I rolled my eyes and went on my phone.

I was scrolling down Instagram when I saw a new picture of my boyfriend, Matt Taven. He was shirtless and in his ring gear. He was holding a kendo stick. I tapped on it and liked it. I regret it instantly since he text me seconds after.

Matty- What're you liking my pictures, princess
Me- What? Am I not allowed to like my boyfriend's picture?
Matty- You think I'm handsome, don't you Shavannah?
Me- Maybe I do, maybe I don't
Matty- I think you do. The way you look at me. You're gonna be out during the Bucks' match, right?
Me- Nah, I told them I'd just go crash
Matty- At my place? TK and Vinny are rooming together....
Me- Hmm.... not sure
Matty- C'mon... y'know you want to
Me- Fine. I'll wait in the lobby
Matty- Sure, See ya then

Matt and I had been dating for three months now and no one other than the other members of the Kingdom knew about it. Matt treated me like a queen and I made sure I made him know he's the best king out there. I was a member of Bullet Club and a cast of Being The Elite. If anyone found out, especially the leader, Kenny Omega. They would make a blood bath and the two would kill each other. Therefore our relationship was our little secret.

I tucked my phone in my pocket and through my head back.

I looked up at the monitor and saw Matt and Nick Jackson heading to the ring. I shook my head and stood up, ready to leave.

"Hey Shavanna!" A strong British accent greeted. I put on a fake smile and turned to him. "Hey Marty. What're you doing here?" I asked cheerfully. "Meh, y'know, I'm just here for a BTE shoot, what about you?" Marty kept a contagious smile on his face. "Well I was gonna go out with Matt and Nick but I'm pretty beat so I'm just heading back to a nice, comfy bed," I replied before leaving.

"Shavanna! What's going on between you and Taven?" Adam Page asked. I giggled and shook my head. "Nothing. He and I are hardly friends," I lied. Adam smirked. "Yeah sure. Just use protection," Adam winked before patting me on the back and left.

'What was that about? It's not like Matt and I are gonna do things, and he doesn't even know we're dating' I shook it off and continued walking to my car.

I got back to the hotel Matt and I were staying at and text him.

Me- Hey, I'm waiting
Matty- Keep waiting, I'll be there soon, just gotta change
Me- Do you really have to
Matty- Do you want me to
Me- I don't, but I don't want other people staring
Matty- Why? Am I yours
Me- Yeah you are
Matty- I'm a lucky man then. Any way I gotta go, I'll be there in like ten minutes

"Mind telling me who's got you giggling like that?" It was a Canadian accent. That scared me. "K-Kenny... What're you doing here?" I asked, locking my phone. "Answer my question first," Kenny smirked. "Is it a boy? Do I know him?" I nodded. "Yeah, you do..." I blushed. "Who?" He teased and sat next to me. "Not telling," I mumbled. "C'mon, Gunn. Tell your fearless leader what's bothering you," I shook my head. "You don't want me to know who you're texting because...?" Kenny was eager for an answer. "I-I well... I..." I stuttered. "I won't tell. I mean, it's not like it's Dalton Caste or Matt Taven. Or is it Okada? Didn't know you spoke Japanese," Kenny joked. I froze. "Shavanna... don't tell me..." Kenny groaned. "No! It's not either of them! I-it's just this, um... fan and he's called... Matt?" I lied. "I'll take your word for it, despite the fact I know when you're lying. If you get hurt, I wanna know who to kill," Kenny hugged me before leaving.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hey gorgeous," I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned around and smirked. "Sup handsome?" I stood up and grabbed his hand. "What was Omega saying to you?" He asked. "Nothing. He just wanted to know who I was texting and then I lied and said it was a fan. Can you imagine how he'd react?" I laughed. "See, that's not funny because I don't want to hurt those you care for. Omega would come after me, I'd have to.... deal with him then you'd be pissed at me," Matt explained. I shrugged and nodded.

We got into the elevator and Matt shoved me against the wall and pressed his lips to mine harshly.

"You're mine, y'know," He whispered as he bit my lip.

The bell pinged and the elevator stopped, however not on our floor.

"Shavanna!" Kenny yelled, surprised. Kota Ibushi was next to him and he seemed just as shocked. "What're you doing!? That's Matt Taven!" Kenny freaked. "I know..." I whispered. "How long's this been going on, huh? Lying to me! Lying to the bucks! To Marty!" Kenny yelled. "I'm sorry..." I looked down shyly. Kota spoke to Kenny in Japanese and Kenny nodded. "Kota's right! How will the others react?! Is that why you didn't go out with the Bucks? Because you wanted to f*ck someone like Taven!" Kenny was fuming and he was beginning to scare me.

Matt was behind me, holding me into his chest. "She hid it from you for this exact reason, Omega!" He yelled. Kenny gave a confused expression. "You're scaring her because she's dating me!" Matt was angry and if it wasn't for my presence, he would be throwing punches.

Kenny's face softened. Kota didn't understand what Matt was saying but knew Matt was angry. Kenny said something to Kota in Japanese again, most likely translating as Kota's face softened.

"Shavannah, I'm sorry, okay. I didn't mean to scare you," Kenny reached out to touch me. I moved closer to the safety of Matt. "If it makes you feel better, I'm not mad. I'm just looking out for you. I'm disappointed that you didn't trust me," Kenny sighed. I nodded. "I'm sorry Kenny... I was just scared," I said becoming more confident. "Why? I would never hurt you, I can't stay mad at you for any more than week," he explained. "I... don't know. You hate Matt-" I began. "The feeling's mutual Matt interrupted. "Well... I'm dating him and I thought that you'd not like me anymore," I admitted. "Oh, Shavannah. I'm sorry for getting mad at you. You live your life. If you wanna be with Matt, then be with him," Kenny sighed and walked into the elevator with us just before the doors shut.

It was pretty awkward and my body was still pressed up against Matt's tall one.

"How long have you two been dating?" Kenny asked breaking the silence. I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.  "Um... about three months," I replied. Kenny's eyes widened and Kota sighed before saying something in Japanese and Kenny chuckled and had a Japanese conversation with Kota.

The door of the elevator opened and Matt grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room.

"I saved your ass there. Omega would've kicked you out and kicked my head," He chuckled, taking his t shirt off. "What? You've seen me shirtless before, what's the problem?"  He laughed and I blushed and sat on his bed. "What do you think he'll do now?" I asked. "Kenny? He'll probably tell the others but tell them not to be mad. I'm so glad you got scared," he was in a good mood and that made me happy.

"I love you,"
"I love you too. So damn much," he said and pressed his lips to mine. "And you're mine, never forget that," he added.

I'm soooo sorry it's late I've had the WORST WiFi and as I've said on "A Wrestlers Demonic Love Story" one of my best friends is really sick. I hope you like it 😊

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