Seth Rollins (Part 2)

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Seth couldn't believe what he had done. He had left the woman of his dreams just because he didn't want kids. He didn't even try to figure out a solution. And that's how he ended up staying at his best friend, Roman's house for god knows how long.

He knew she wouldn't ever take him back after being so inconsiderate. He hated himself for what he did and he couldn't bare the fact that his baby may end up without a father. His child. A piece of himself. And his only real love. 

"Roman, what am I going to do man?" Seth groaned. "Go get her back! She loves you so much, Rollins, she'll be wanting you back just as much as you want her!" Roman yelled, getting annoyed as they'd had the same conversation many times now. "She won't! I need her but- but I just made her think I don't care!" He whined. "Goddammit, Seth! She loves you more than anything!" Roman reasoned. "And I love her, but the baby! It'll ruin everything for me!" Seth complained. Roman sighed. "Well, what means more to you? Y/N, or your career?" Roman questioned, knowing it would make his friend realise what to do. "I- well... Y/N..." Seth sighed. "Thanks man. You just wrecked my whole career," Roman smirked. "But fixed your love life, now go get her!" Roman grabbed Seth by his hand and shoved him out. 

It was early in the morning so the streets weren't really full and so Seth took his time to get to his and Y/N's apartment, kicking at the gravel as he did so. He was going over again and again in his head what he was going to say to her but he cursed himself mentally after each one. 

Before he knew it, he was shakily walking up those familiar stairs and stood in front of that one door. 

He knocked lightly at first and ran his hand through his soft hair and knocked again, louder this time. 

Y/N groggily opened the door and almost slammed it shut when she saw who was behind it. "Y/N... I'm so so so so so so sorry. I just walked out like a douche. I almost walked out of the life of the most perfect woman on the planet. Who's carrying the equally as perfect child. I get you're mad and I know that what I did is pretty much unforgivable but I love you too much to let you go. I'll drop everything, look after our baby if it means having you for the rest of my life. When it comes to my beautiful angel, nothing competes, especially not my career. I love you more than I love anything and I can assure you I love that baby, our baby growing inside you is loved just as much," Seth exclaimed, hand reaching out to stroke his girlfriend's stomach. "Seth.... that was beautiful... I-I don't know what to say.." Y/N replied, grabbing his hand. 

"Don't say anything. Just take me back," Seth whispered. She nodded and Seth dropped to his knees, stroking Y/N's stomach. "I love you and your mommy so much. Daddy's never gonna leave either of you. Ever," Seth smiled up at his girlfriend who was crying tears of joy. Seth was so happy he listened to Roman's advice because now he pretty much going to have a family of his own. "I love you, Seth," 

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