Dolph Ziggler p4

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"Come on, Jess. We've got a busy day ahead of us. We're wanted for Total Divas training...  not sure why they can't just use someone else. I think it's because my little boy is such a star and they want to use you to boost views," Dolph sighed as he petted his dog's head. Jessie let out a bark and wagged his tail, excited to go somewhere. Every time he went out it was an adventure for him and he had to put the utmost trust into his owner so that he wasn't hurt in any way and he loved the thrill he got from that.

"You excited, boy? Huh?" Dolph asked, scratching lightly behind Jessie's ears. Jessie barked once more as Dolph attached his leash to his collar. "They're gonna love you, boy. We're gonna meet up with Bryan and he's bringing Birdie! I bet you're gonna love her!" Dolph exclaimed. "Let's go, we don't wanna be late," 


Dolph knocked on the door of the Danielson's household, waiting for someone to answer. Brie answered the door with a huge smile on her face and with a cute baby in her arms. "Hey, Dolph! Heya, Jessie!" The pair were welcomed inside and Brie began speaking. "So, how's Jessie?" Jessie barked at the mention of his name. 

Birdie was startled by the sudden loud noise and began letting out wails. Jessie sank down onto his hind legs, ears pressing into his head as he quivered. Brie instantly began comforting Birdie who soon calmed down but Jessie, flooded with guilt, didn't even stand back up. Dolph petted his head. "It's okay, boy. It's not your fault," he stated. Despite Dolph's words, he couldn't help but feel as if he's done something wrong. 

Jessie's head popped up when he heard the sound of carpet moving and a really unfamiliar scent approaching him. He felt small hands grip his nose and he couldn't help but feel a little sad. He just wanted to see this... whatever it was. He heard choked giggles and stuck his tongue out to lick the small entity, resulting in more giggles. He liked the sound and did it again, desperate to hear the fit of giggles. The hand petted his head harder and he instinctively let out a growl. The giggles stopped and he became worried. "It's okay, Bird, he didn't mean it," he heard Brie say. "Jess, give Birdie some more kisses," Dolph told him. Jessie always listened to Dolph and licked the baby's cheek, causing more giggles. 

Suddenly, another knock on the door sounded throughout the house and Jessie put his chin on Birdie so that she wasn't taken from him. "Awww, Jess, you found a new friend!" Nikki squealed in awe. Jessie ignored her and licked Birdie again making her squeal and giggle. He definitely found a new friend. 

"Alright! Let's get set!" a male voice shouted. Jessie wrapped his paw around Birdie, protecting her from any danger. "Someone has to capture this!" he heard before many clicks were heard. Jessie protected Birdie more and licked her more, wanting to hear the giggles to know that the small figure remained safe. "Amazing. Now let's get a scene with Bryan and Dolph!" the director declared as he moved the cameramen into the kitchen. 

It was silent for a while, aside from the hum of chatter and Birdie's giggles until yet another knock on the door was heard. Bryan huffed as he went to answer it but the person didn't seem to respect their household and barged right in. "Okay, okay! We need to move the scene!" the man yelled loudly, startling Birdie.

Birdie erupted into wails and tears, and Jessie growled and licked her face. Jessie looked in the direction of the voice and growled harder. "Brianna, Bryan, shut your baby up and Ziggler, get that mangy mutt under control," the man sighed.
"Jacob, we told you! You're fired!" Brie yelled, angrily. Jessie could hear the rage from Brie's tone and arose, trodding towards the man to show he was willing to fight him if he didn't leave his humans alone. "You were a terrible director, we're doing better without you," Bryan added. Jessie barked at him, a sign for their ex-director to leave. 
"Fine," Jacob scoffed. "I don't need money from this anyway. You watch, next thing you know~" Jessie barked once more, the man's scolding voice irritating the dog to no end. Jacob got the message stormed out of the door.

Jessie walked back to Birdie and licked her again and again until the echoing cries turning into cute little giggles. Jessie felt proud that he'd made the family happy and Dolph's praise along with the soft pets he was receiving made him feel even more so. 

"Good boy, Jess. You scared that mean man away," Dolph praised. Jessie leaned into his touch, still holding Birdie as though she was his own little pup. Even though he couldn't see the young girl, he knew she needed protection and he was willing to do that. He was a loyal dog. Dolph noticed that and felt his heart shatter. He could tell that Jessie had been abused, it was evident and he couldn't even begin to understand why any human being would want to hurt a dog like that. Jessie filled a hole in his heart, a hole that needed to be covered quickly. Dolph was eternally grateful to Jessie and he was distraught whenever he thought of what the beautiful, innocent, adorable, loyal, perfect dog had experienced. He didn't know what he'd do if he'd ever found whoever hurt his little pup like that, but he knew for a fact it wouldn't be good. No dog, especially not a dog like Jessie deserved it.

Nikki and Brie tried to hold back squeals at how cute the scene was. Jessie's furry paw was wrapped around Birdie who was curiously playing with his soft and fluffy golden fur and, Jessie was leaning into Dolph's light yet mesmerizing touch whilst the human looked at his dog with such love, affection and sympathy. The sight was truly heartwarming for them and they couldn't help but take multiple pictures of it and the camera crew didn't miss a second of the adorable scene.

Everyone watching knew that with this sight that views were going to be higher than ever but that was the last thing on their mind. All they cared about was being able to witness this moment for just a few seconds longer.

"Sorry to interrupt but... can we... get back to the shooting..." the director awkwardly interrupted, clearing his throat. Dolph jumped up as though he was snapped out of hypnosis and smiled sheepishly. "Yeah! Of course! Let's get to it! Bye, Jess, bye, Bird!" Dolph waved, forging a laugh. The room erupted with chuckles. 

Jessie felt annoyed that the petting was over but when he felt Birdie's soft, small baby hands on his fur again he felt contentment flutter through him. It was such a mind blowing feel after the year of torture and Jessie knew he was going to get used to this type of affection and he was always willing to pay it back, just like with him and Birdie at that moment.

I'm really sorry it's late and I'm sorry it's not the best but I hope it's good enough. Thanks for reading and thanks for the request

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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