Kenny Omega (request)

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I looked at my plane ticket one more time before putting it in my pocket.

I was heading to Japan for Dominion; or more specifically, Kazuchika Okada vs my best friend Kenny Omega.

Kenny and I hadn't seen each other for almost a year now and we'd lost contact. However, I managed to run into his old best friends, Matt and Nick whilst they were in London.

I text Nick.
Me: hey nik naks
Nick: Don't call me that!
Me: Lol. Is everything ready?
Nick: Yep. Kota's gonna be distracting Kenny for at least 6 hours, he told me to tell him if we need more time
Me: No, that's good. I'll be at the airport in 4 hours, you and Matt mind meeting me?
Nick: Sure Kass
Me: Cya later

I plugged in my earphones and began listening to music for the rest of the flight.

The airport was full of people. People who were seeing relatives, and relatives seeing off people. Families going on holiday and families coming home. But, despite the sea of bodies, Matt and Nick were easy to find.

I walked up to them and hugged them. "Wassap Kassie!" Matt greeted. "Wassup werewolf," I joked. "For the millionth time, I do not look like a wolf!" Matt whined and me and Nick laughed.

"Where's Kenny? Also what's the plan?" I asked. "Kenny is currently at the gym with Kota, preparing for his big moment. And as for the plan. We're gonna get you nice and ready in Kenny's merch then leave you in his and Kota's locker room and you're gonna hide, but leave subtle hints that you're here," Matt began but was cut off by Nick. "Then you go out when we do and surprise him. Then whatever happens, happens," he smirked at the end.

I'd liked Kenny for a long time and they'd known about it. Only then. Kenny and literally everyone else were oblivious to my feelings for him. Matt and Nick try to show him that I like him, keeping it subtle. Kenny just wouldn't realise.

"Shut up, Jackson," I playfully hit his chest as we walked to get my bags.

"I can't wait to see Kenny again. I can't believe it's been almost a year," I said to no one in particular. "Bet you weren't this excited to see us," I heard Matt mutter and Nick snicker. "I wasn't actually. I'm not in love with you, sorry," I smirked. "I thought you were, never mind," Matt said sarcastically.

I got my bags and Matt and Nick took me to the hotel in which they and the other wrestlers were staying at. I was in Matt and Nick's room because they insisted on me staying with Kenny.

"Okay, so Brandi got you some leggings that she said would suit you but they're just plain black and say 'CLEANER' down the left leg and I may or may not have bribed Kota to get me on of Kenny's actual t shirts. So have fun smelling like Kenny," Matt and Nick laughed as they threw me the clothes.

I put on the leggings. Brandi and I got along very well so it's no surprise that she'll help me. Also she knew my size, so the leggings were comfortable on me.

The t shirt was a bit (very) big on me but the scent of Kenny's aroma flourished it and it was like a drug I was addicted to after being away from him for so long.

I put on the black and white converse and I looked cute.

"Matt! Nick! I'm ready!" I yelled and they walked in. "You sure you're not the future Mrs Omega?" Nick chuckled. "I wish," I added and they laughed. "Well Kota text me, in Japanese, and I google translated it, and he said Kenny and he are going to come back here, get their stuff then head to the arena so we should set off now," Matt said, putting his phone in his jacket pocket.

I nodded and brushed my hair through with one of their brushes. "I have lice," Nick joked. "Err. Nick! That's dirty!" I laughed and Matt laughed too.

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