Dolph Ziggler p2 (request)

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"Jessie! Come on! We're going for walkies!" Dolph yelled out to his new dog. Jessie trotted, surprisingly not hitting anything.

It had been a week since Dolph had found Jessie, bruised and abandoned outside a parking lot of a WWE event. Jessie had accustomed to the new environment rather quickly and knows where to go so he doesn't crash into everything.

Dolph hooked his leash onto his new collar and stood up. "We're going to meet some new people, Jess. They're not gonna hurt you don't worry," Dolph said as he began walking out of his house, Jessie slowly following behind.

He didn't know what Dolph was talking about. He knew what 'new' and 'hurt' meant and that's what made him scared. Was Dolph going to take him back to his old home? Or somewhere worse?

There was hardly anyone out on the dimly lit streets and that was good because Dolph didn't want Jessie walking into anyone, or another dog that wouldn't hesitate to bite back.

Jessie was confused as Dolph took unfamiliar turns and walked on unfamiliar ground but he trusted Dolph and so continued to follow him, as he was.

"Come on Jessie, up these stairs," Dolph ordered and Jessie obeyed, finding one step at a time.

He heard three knocks before the opening of a large door and the next thing he knew, at least three pairs of hands were touching him.

"Awe. Is this him? He's so cute!" A female voice asked. "Yeah... now haven't we got that fan meet?" Dolph reminded the small group that Jessie didn't even know of.

Sasha nodded and went into the building, Dolph and Jessie following her.

There was a long table and a crowd. Jessie could hear the loud 'boos', cheers and 'awes'' and whimpered in fear.

Jessie felt himself get placed on a hard surface, a table and feared for what was to come. Thanks to her painful past, pain was all she ever expected and that's why she was so scared.

"Hey!" A fan greeted Dolph. "Is this your dog? He's cute," the fan said. "Thanks. He's called Jessie," Dolph smiled. "Sorry you lost your intercontinental championship... I was actually rooting for you," the fan smiled back. "I'll get it back. I'll do more," Dolph said, getting back in character and signed the fan's poster.

The fan patted Jessie's head and Jessie whimpered and the fan quickly left.

Another fan came up to Dolph. "Seth deserves that title," he said. "But that dog's really cute, what's it's name?" He asked, turning his attention to Jessie who had silenced himself and tried to hide himself by laying down and keeping his head down. "His name is Jessie. He's blind so be careful, he's probably terrified," Dolph told the fan sternly. "Why did you bring him?" The fan inquired. "I can't leave a blind dog alone. He'll either get hurt or eat something he shouldn't," Dolph relied, urging the fan to leave.

Fan after fan touched Jessie who was absolutely terrified. The noise was enough to make him shake but with a bunch of strange hands on him... that was a whole other level. He just wanted to be back on his bed, safe. But that wasn't happening

Bobby Roode walked over to Dolph.

"You don't have to be so rude to the fans," he said, sounding pissed. "Look at Jessie. Does he look happy? They're all scaring him and they're all making fun of the fact I lost at Summer Slam!" Dolph ranted, as annoyed as Bobby was. "So? You don't have to threaten to have them removed. And it's your fault for bringing him. Trust me, Jessie's cute and all but I'm sorry," Bobby said, trying to comfort Jessie by softly touching the back of his neck.

Jessie found it massaging but still didn't like that a random hand was on him but the nice feeling calmed him the slightest bit.

"Who's a good, brave boy!" Bobby praised and Jessie slightly wagged his tail. "You want a treat, boy? Bobby asked. Jessie piped up and licked his lips, all the fear leaving him.

A fan came up to them and asked Bobby to sign something, which he did and then the fan proceeded to stroke Jessie who only whimpered again.

"Shh... it's okay," Bobby whispered. "He's my dog! Get off him!" Dolph slapped Bobby's arm away. "I'll just take him home," Dolph declared before gently picking up Jessie.

He got him into the backseat and struggled but succeeded to get Jessie into a seatbelt.

Dolph drove home and went into the house with Jessie in his arms.

"Sorry pups. I didn't mean for you to get scared," Dolph apologised. "Wanna treat, boy?" He asked cheerfully and Jessie wagged his tail in response.

Dolph gave him a few treats before beginning to make dinner and put food out for Jessie.

Once the pair ate they got comfortable on the couch as Dolph watched TV, stroking Jessie's soft, golden fur and Jessie rested, exhausted from the scary day.

Sorry the ending sucked and sorry it's late and I hope you like it

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